| Verification of linker-switchable PCRs |
04/01 | - rePCRs of CD79B, Gal4 and RFP to make linker switchable constructs
- Gel verification of 03/31 and 04/01 PCRs
04/10 | - rePCRs of CD79A/B, Gal4 and RFP to make linker switchable constructs
- Gel verification of PCRs
04/11 | redesign CD79A/B primers |
04/25 | - rePCRs of CD79A/B, to make linker switchable constructs
- Gel verification of PCRs
04/30 | - rePCR of CD79B with DMSO
- gel purification of CD79A
- PCR purification of pTet:mRFP and Gal4VP16
- AarI golden gate to make hEF1a:CD79A-pTet:mRFP-Gal4VP16
05/01 | |
05/04 | |
05/06 | |
05/29 | - Transformations for Glycerol Stocks
- Sent for hEF1a:CD79B-TCS-Gal4VP16 sequencing
- PCRd CD79B
- CD79B Gel
05/30 | - CD79B Gel Extraction (Failed)
- Midi Cultures Inocculated
- CD79B PCR 2
- Picked Colonies for H:Lyn, H:LT, H:CB-TCS-G4
05/31 | - CD79B PCR Gel
- CD79B Gel Extraction
- hEF1a:CD79B-pTet:RFP-Gal4VP16 Golden Gate
- h:Lyn-TEV colonies picked