Space Index

Total number of pages: 88

0-9 ... 11 A ... 9 B ... 0 C ... 1 D ... 1 E ... 7
F ... 0 G ... 2 H ... 1 I ... 18 J ... 0 K ... 0
L ... 0 M ... 16 N ... 0 O ... 0 P ... 6 Q ... 0
R ... 3 S ... 8 T ... 0 U ... 2 V ... 0 W ... 3
X ... 0 Y ... 0 Z ... 0 !@#$ ... 0    


Page: 2012 ISR School
Craig's pictures of the school Phil's pictures of the school Thom
Page: 2013 ISR School
Pictures and Blogs Phil's album YouTube video of Thomas' time lapse of the student presentations Eiscat blog posting on this ISR school http://
Page: 2014 ISR School
Pictures, Blogs, and tools Eiscat3d blog ISR simulator and demonstration links Craig Heinselman's pictures Thomas Ulich's ISR school SmugMug site http:/
Page: 2015 ISR School
Pictures, Blogs, and tools ISR simulator and demonstration links Phil's Smugmug page with ISR school photos Lecturers
Page: 2016ISRSchool
Pictures, Blogs, and tools ISR simulator and demonstration links Craig's Smugmug pageä-2016-07/ with ISR school
Page: 2017 ISR School
ISR SUMMER SCHOOL 23–29 July 2017 Arecibo Observatory IMG_6347.jpg Important references Upper atmospheric observations at the Arecibo Observatory: Examples obtained using new capabilities Pictures Phil's pictures (external gallery link) https://usuthu6
Page: 2018 ISR Summer School
ISR SUMMER SCHOOL 21–27 July 2018 University of Massachusetts, Lowell/MIT Haystack Observatory PDF of agenda PDF of student groups Walking directions List of Lowell restaurants Pictures taken by Phil Erickson
Page: 2019 ISR School
ISR SUMMER SCHOOL August 12-17, 2019 Pikku-Syöte Syöte, Finland PDF of agenda High latitude ISR Fact sheet List of Groups (pdf) Experiment proposals for all 6 groups ISR school pictures https://heins
Page: 2022 ISR School
ISR SUMMER SCHOOL July 17-22, 2022 Boston University, Millstone Hill Observatory Lecturers Shikha Raizada - University of Central Florida - Anthea C
Page: 2023 ISR School
Lecturers Anthea Coster - MIT - Craig Heinselman - Univ. of Alaska - Bill Rideout - MIT -
Page: 2024 ISR School
Lecturers Anthea Coster - MIT - Craig Heinselman - Univ. of Alaska - Josh Semeter - Boston University - Katherine Cariglia


Page: AMISR Workshop
Cedar 2008 Saturday AMISR Workshop Friday Friday PM June 20: PFISR 13:30 - 15:30 PFISR results (15 min talks) Craig Heinselman, chair 15:30 - 16:00 Break 16:00 - 17:00 PFISR future plans: focused discussion Josh Semeter, chair Saturday Saturday morn
Page: Amplifier Goals
In this project we will investigate the design of a UHF solid state power amplifier module. We will implement an appropriate test setup and experiment with an existing solid state power module from the AMISR radar system which has recently been deployed.
Page: Amplifier Plan
UHF Amplifier Project Plan General Plan Learn to use the tools (Wiki, Gensys, Altium Protel) Design Specification Design overall System Architecture based on specification System Level Design review Breakup overall system Design into sub system Decide whi
Page: Amplifier Reference
Textbooks Microwave Engineering, David Pozar, John Wiley & Sons Microwave Circuit Design Using Linear and Nonlinear Techniques, George D. Vendelin, Anthony M. Pavio, Ulrich L. Rhode, Wiley Interscience, 1990 RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications
Page: Anja pictures
Anja's pictures (ISR School - 2017) Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6 Picture 7 Picture 8 Picture 9
Page: Annual Variations of the Upper Atmosphere
Annual Variations of the Upper Atmosphere: IPY Observations Trevor David Mentors: John Holt and Shunrong Zhang IPY, the International Polar Year, is a large scientific programme focused on the Arctic and the Antarctic from March 2007 to
Page: annualplot.m
data=load('IPYnoonMH.dat'); day = data(:,1); dayno = data(:,2); month = data(:,3); year = data(:,4); slt = data(:,5); ut = data(:,6); gdalt = data(:,7); f107=data(:,8)./1e-22; fbar = data(:,9)./1e-22; nel = data(:,10); nelm = data(:,11); % ... te, ti, ,,,
Home page: ASG Science
This wiki site is designed to allow science collaboration among scientists and students working at Millstone Hill Observatory. Sections About Ionosphere Magnetosphere Space Thermosphere Radio Science REU Workshops Mailing Lists FAQ Navigation
Page: ASG Science Home
This is the home of the ASG Science space. To help you on your way, we've inserted some of our favourite macros on this home page. As you start creating pages, blogging and commenting you'll see the macros below fill up with all the activity in your space



Page: CARE Data Review 2009
CARE Data Review Workshop 2009 MIT Haystack Observatory Oct 20, 2009 Telecon Number Participants can call into the Haystack telecon number 1-888-942-8686 with conference ID 1584058. Agenda (0900 - 1700 LT) CARE Overview – Paul Bernhardt PPT http://www.hay


Page: Develop timing table
Development of script to measure differential time for all Madrigal derivation methods The basic idea of this script is to create a text file listing every possible Madrigal derived parameter, and the differential time in nanoseconds to run that method. T


Page: Effects of Geomagnetic Storms on the Ionosphere
This wiki page is for the joint REU project on the effects of geomagnetic storms on the ionosphere. The two parts of this project are: High-latitude Ionospheric Investigations - Marc Miskin This sub-project will focus primarily on ground-based observation
Page: exeDataSearch
/opt/madrigal/bin/ \ --url= --output=tmp.dat \ --parms=DAY,DAYNO,MONTH,YEAR,SLT,UT,GDALT,F10.7,FBAR,NEL,NEL_MODEL,TE,TE_MODEL,TI,TI_MODEL,VO \ --user_fullname="Shunrong Zhang" --user_email="shunron
Page: Exercise 1: Web interface
Exercise 1: Web interface Selected Madrigal sites SRI Madrigal site CEDAR Madrigal archive site Millstone Madrigal site Eiscat Madrigal site http://www.
Page: Exercise 2: Madrigal script interface
Exercise 2: Scripting interface This exercise has three parts, and an optional addition for those familiar with python jupyter-notebooks: Installing the Madrigal API of your choice (python, Matlab, or IDL) Running the globalDownload script Generate and ru
Page: Exercise 2: Script interface
Exercise 2: Scripting interface This exercise has four parts: Installing the Madrigal API of your choice (python, Matlab, or IDL) Running the globalDownload script Generate and run the globalIsprint script Edit a script directly (most advanced) Links and
Page: Existing Arecibo Experiments
Topside since 2015 17mar15 03sep15 28nov16 29nov16 30nov16 01dec16 02dec16 03dec16 02jan17 03jan17 04jan17 05may17 06may17 07jun17 08jun17 Coded long pulse since 2015 15jul15 22jul15 09dec15 05feb16 28nov16 29nov16 30nov16 01dec16 02dec16 03dec16 24
Page: Exploring handling large amounts of radio science data using OODT
Mentors: Bill Rideout and Bob Schaefer Developments in computers and electronics are revolutionizing the field of radio science. In the past, big parabolic dishes would point at a single direction in space, recording data from only a very narrow frequency



Page: Geospace Response At Mid And High Latitudes CEDAR 2012
CEDAR 2012 Workshop: Geospace Response at Mid and High Latitudes The following presentations were made at two CEDAR 2012 workshops on Monday June 24 and Tuesday June 25 on Geospace response at mid to high latitudes during recent geomagnetic storms. The of
Page: Google Earth Interface to Madrigal Database
This project's goal is to allow a user searching for Madrigal data to use a Google Earth interface to find it. Here's an example of viewing atmospheric data with Google Earth (you'll need the Google Earth plugin) : Millstone ISR data http://madrigal.hayst


Page: High Latitude Project Plan
General Plan Team introduction Learning to use the tools (Wiki, Python and Eclipse, Subversion, Madrigal) Learning about the ionosphere, incoherent scatter radar, GPS, and scientific databases. The REU lecture series will give a starting point. You can al


Page: Improvements to the Madrigal Database
The Madrigal database is used throughout the space science community to distribute data on Earth's upper atmosphere. Built into the Madrigal database is a derivation engine that can calculate many additional scientific parameters besides those stored in t
Page: Installing ipython
Installing ipython To install ipython easily: If your system supports apt-get, sudo apt-get install ipython If your system supports pip, sudo pip install "ipython[notebook]" For all others, install the Anaconda version of python as described at http://ipy
Page: International ISR Workshop
Schedule of 2011 International ISR Workshop Monday, 18th July 2011 08:30 Welcome Introduction of participants and instructors Forming groups for practicals Group assignments Addressing computer needs 09:30 Introduction to the Ionosphere (Anita Aikio) 10:1
Page: Iono file format
Iono file format Total electron content ascii file 1) time (as float day of year 0.0 - 366.0) 2) year 3) rec. latitude 4) rec. longitude 5) line-of-sight tec (TECu) 6) error in line-of-sight tec
Page: ISR Background Material
Useful ISR Background Material Available on Web Ionosphere
Page: ISR black box simulation - 2018
ISR simulation tools Existing ISR simulator Simulate a new ISR ISR blackbox python module R
Page: ISR Blackbox 2015 group exercise
ISR simulation tools Existing ISR simulator Simulate a new ISR Python source code Run simula
Page: ISR Blackbox Exercise
ISR Blackbox Exercise Part 1: Start jupyter notebook For instructions, see Part 2: Run simulations of the existing Millstone Hill ISR
Page: ISR Blackbox Exercises - 2020
ISR simulation tools Existing ISR simulator Simulate a new ISR ISR blackbox python module ht
Page: ISR Blackbox Exercises 2021
Part 0: Start jupyter notebook For instructions, see Part 1: Run simulations of the existing Poker Flat ISR From the jupyter notebook
Page: ISR Blackbox Exercises 2023
Part 0: Start jupyter notebook For instructions, see Part 1: Run simulations of the existing Poker Flat ISR From the jupyter notebook
Page: ISR Blackbox group exercise
ISR simulation tools Existing ISR simulator Simulate a new ISR Python source code Run simula
Page: ISR Blackbox Group Exercise 2016
ISR simulation tools Existing ISR simulator Simulate a new ISR ISR blackbox python module R
Page: ISR Blackbox Group Exercise 2019
ISR simulation tools Existing ISR simulator Simulate a new ISR ISR blackbox python module R
Page: ISR Demonstration
ISR Demonstration links Existing ISR Blackbox simulator New ISR simulator IS spectrum http:/
Page: ISR Demonstration Exercises
ISR Demonstration Exercises IS Fit Surface Simulator Use an all O+ plasma, Nel = 11, Ti = 2000, Tr = 2.0, Number points = 48. Search over Ti and Tr - use a step size of 100 K and 0.1 respectively. How many spectral averages give a reasonable agreement bet
Page: ISR School 2020
ISR SUMMER SCHOOL July 27 - August 1, 2020 Virtual School Lecturers Elizabeth Kendall - SRI - Anthea Coster - MIT -
Page: ISR School 2021
phasors.pdfISR School 2021 ISR School 2021





Page: Madrigal
Introduction to Madrigal The main Madrigal web site The main Madrigal documentation page A tutorial
Page: Madrigal 3 web interface
Exercise 1: Web interface Selected Madrigal 3 sites CEDAR Madrigal archive site Arecibo Madrigal site Data Access -> List Experiments In the List Experiments, you can list experiments to ch
Page: Madrigal Data API Exercises - 2016
Exercise 2: Scripting interface This exercise has three parts: Installing the Madrigal API of your choice (python, Matlab, or IDL) Running the globalDownload script Generate and run the globalIsprint script Links and scripts to download Madrigal sites CED
Page: Madrigal database and group work
Madrigal database exercises - overview Each group will do the following exercises: Go through the web interface exercises below Install one (or more) remote APIs (python, Matlab, or IDL) Run and then modify the example script in the language of choice tha
Page: Madrigal Group Exercise 1 - web interface
Madrigal 2019 Group Exercise 1: Using the web interface Part 1: Madrigal 3 Web interface Selected Madrigal 3 site: CEDAR Madrigal archive site Data Access -> List Experiments In the List Experiments, you can list experiments
Page: Madrigal Group Exercise 2 - writing scripts
Exercise 2: Scripting interface This exercise has three parts, and an optional addition for those familiar with python jupyter-notebooks: Installing the Madrigal API of your choice (python, Matlab, or IDL) Running the globalDownload script Generate and ru
Page: Madrigal references
Madrigal sites SRI Madrigal site CEDAR Madrigal archive site Millstone Madrigal site Eiscat Madrigal site Arecibo Madriga
Page: Madrigal script exercise 2
Exercise 2: Scripting interface This exercise has three parts: Installing the Madrigal API of your choice (python, Matlab, or IDL) Running the globalDownload script Generate and run the globalIsprint script Links and scripts to download Madrigal sites CED
Page: Madrigal Script Interface Exercise 2023
Madrigal 2023 Exercise 3: Scripting interface This exercise has three parts: Installing the Madrigal API of your choice (python, Matlab, or IDL) Running the globalDownload script Generate and run the globalIsprint script Links and scripts to download Madr
Page: Madrigal scripting - Exercise 3
Madrigal 2020 Exercise 3: Scripting interface This exercise has three parts: Installing the Madrigal API of your choice (python, Matlab, or IDL) Running the globalDownload script Generate and run the globalIsprint script Links and scripts to download Madr
Page: Madrigal Web Access Exercise
Exercise 1: Web interface Selected Madrigal 2 sites Eiscat Madrigal site ( CEDAR Madrigal archive site (http://cedar.openmadrigal
Page: Madrigal web exercise - Part 2
Madrigal 2020 Exercise 1: Using the web interface Selected Madrigal 3 site: CEDAR Madrigal archive site Data Access -> List Experiments In the List Experiments, you can list experiments to choose from. This interface allows
Page: Madrigal web exercise 1
Exercise 1: Web interface Selected Madrigal sites Jicamarca Madrigal site CEDAR Madrigal archive site Millstone Madrigal site SRI Madrigal site htt
Page: Madrigal Web Exercise 2023
Madrigal 2023 Exercise 2: Using the web interface Selected Madrigal 3 site: SRI Madrigal 3 site ( Data Access -> List Experiments In the List Experiments, y
Page: Madrigal web exercises - 2020 virtual
Madrigal 2020 Exercise 1: Using the web interface Selected Madrigal 3 site: CEDAR Madrigal archive site Data Access -> List Experiments In the List Experiments, you can list experiments to choose from. This interface allows
Page: Millstone Hill Realtime sites
Sites to monitor Millstone Hill ISR in Realtime High level Millstone Hill Status Links to summary plots, individual record




Page: Parallel Processing and the Madrigal Database
Parallel Processing and the Madrigal Database The Madrigal database is used throughout the space science community to distribute data on Earth's upper atmosphere. Built into the Madrigal database is a derivation engine that can calculate many additional s
Page: Perfect Code Experiments
Perfect Code Experiments, 2012-03-05 to 2012-03-09 The purpose of this set of experiments is to transmit a series of different code sequences involving amplitude and phase modulations for evaluation of 'perfect code' measurement performance. Sequences int
Page: Planning notes 2008
Morning Lectures Topics to cover: ISR theory (Phil/Josh/others? Don Farley?) Signal Extraction/Processing/Fitting at AMISR (Mike Nicolls) Madrigal (Bill Rideout/Anthea Coster) Radar Design/Signal Propagation Experiment design: tradeoffs in fidelity, param
Page: Planning notes 2009
This page will keep a trail of the planning notes for the 2009 AMISR workshop AMISR Summer School 2009 July 13-17 **********SUNDAY July 12********** • 18:30-XXXX Staff dinner **********MONDAY July 13********** • 09:00-09:15 Breakfast provided at SRI • 09:
Page: Progress Reporting
Week of June 1 This week I familiarized myself with the fields of upper atmospheric studies and space weather. I learned about the mechanism of incoherent scatter radar and what physical quantities can be observed and derived using this technique. Several
Page: Python
Learning and using python You will first need to make sure python is installed on your computer. If it is not, go the the python download page to install python. Here is a simple example of python that demonstrates lists and lo



Page: Radio Science
Radio Science Experiments This page is for sharing and discussion of radio science experiments. Radar Coding Experiments 2012 2012 - March 5 to 9, Perfect Code Experiments 2012 - April 17, Second Perfect Code Experiments
Page: References
About ISR Evans, J. V. (1969), Theory and practice of ionosphere study by Thompson scatter radar, Proc. IEEE, 57, 496-530. PDF file Science Pages about Annual Ionospheric Variations Balan, N.
Page: REU
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Wiki This page contains links to Millstone Hill REU project wikis. 2007 2007 - Software Radio Beacon Receiver 2008 2008 - Effects of


Page: Sandbox
Page: Second Perfect Code Experiments
Perfect Code Experiments, 2012-04-17 The purpose of this set of experiments is to transmit a series of different code sequences involving amplitude and phase modulations for evaluation of 'perfect code' measurement performance. Sequences interleaved with
Page: set up computers
Instructions for setting up computers System's name: pfisr System's IP: Login ID: The login ID is same as your school's e-mail id, such as: for, the computer login ID is "john.smi
Page: Space-based Project Plan
General Plan Team introduction Learning to use the tools (Wiki, Python and Eclipse, Subversion, Madrigal) Learning about the ionosphere, incoherent scatter radar, GPS, and scientific databases. The REU lecture series will give a starting point. You can al
Page: Submitting an experiment request
How to submit an experiment request Send an email to Phil Erickson ( and Bill Rideout ( with the following information: Your group number The experiment you want to run The science target behind your choice. The preferred 2 ho
Page: Summer School 2008
AMISR Summer School - 2008 Amisr links Beams = General Amisr info = Recommended Radar Books 1) Stimson, Introduction to Airborne Radar (Artech, 1998) 2) Levanon, R
Page: Summer School 2009
Pictures Anja's pictures Craig's pictures Reference Materials Eiscat ISR Summer School Book Beams =
Page: Summer School 2010
Reference Materials Eiscat ISR Summer School Book AMISR Portal with beam selector General AMISR info



Page: UHF Power Amplifier Design
Project Goals Project Plan Drawings Reference Material Reports UHF Amplifier Project Tasks Test of Existing Amplifier In order to become familiar with RF testing and equipment, set up Test equipment as shown in Figure One and test the existing AMISR proto
Page: Using Madrigal practically and productively
Madrigal database exercises - overview Each group will do the following exercises: Go through the web interface exercises below Install one (or more) remote APIs (python, Matlab, or IDL) Run and then modify the example script in the language of choice tha



Page: Web interface exercises
Exercise 1: Web interface Selected Madrigal sites CEDAR Madrigal archive site Arecibo Madrigal site Simple Local Data Access Start at the CEDAR Madrigal or Arecibo site, and choose Simple L
Page: Web2
Madrigal 2022 Exercise 1: Using the web interface Selected Madrigal 3 site: CEDAR Madrigal archive site Data Access -> List Experiments In the List Experiments, you can list experiments to choose from. This interface allows
Page: Workshops
Upper Atmosphere Workshops Cedar 2008 Saturday AMISR Workshop AMISR Summer School 2008 at Millstone Hill - 2008 Planning notes 2008 AMISR Summer School 2009 at SRI - 2009 Planning notes 2009 CARE Data Review 2009 at MIT Haystack - 2009 AMISR Summer School





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