Exercise 1: Web interface
Selected Madrigal 2 sites
- Eiscat Madrigal site (http://www.eiscat.se/madrigal/)
- CEDAR Madrigal archive site (http://cedar.openmadrigal.org/)
- Millstone Madrigal site (http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/madrigal/)
- SRI Madrigal site (http://isr.sri.com/madrigal/)
Madrigal 3 beta site
Simple Local Data Access
Start at the Eiscat or the CEDAR Madrigal site, and choose Simple Local Data Access. We will be looking at the EISCAT Svalbard radar data, and those are the only two sites that have local copies. As the name suggests, Simple Local Data Access is only for local data.
Choose Incoherent Scatter Radar as the instrument type, and then choose the EISCAT Svalbard radar.
Choose 2014, then January, and then the 22th.
Two experiments show up because the experiment form 2014-01-21 ran 29 seconds into this UT day. Choose the second one that starts at 2014-01-22 00:00:29.
There are two files - one for each of the two Svalbard antenna. Choose the fixed 42 meter antenna that looks up B.
Use the Download data to download the file in both ascii and Hdf5 format.
Use the View info, Show plots, and More parameters buttons. The More parameters button is a link to the full UI that allows you to choose parameters and set filters.
Browse for Individual Madrigal Experiments
Start at any Madrigal site above (SRI, CEDAR, Millstone, or EISCAT).
Use Full Access Data and then Browse for Individual Madrigal Experiments. Search for all instruments that were running on 2013-01-11. Use the default
All Madrigal Sites
option. Note that data from many different Madrigal sites appears, not just from the site you started with.Select the EISCAT Svalbard experiment that was running on 2013-01-11, and do the following with that experiment:
Determine how many data files there are for that experiment, and how they differ.
Download one of the files is ascii format by using the
Download file
link, and sticking with the default Simple column-formated ascii option. Remember that this option does not filter the data, and no derived parameters will be included. Open the downloaded file with a text editor to make sure its easy to understand and parse.Madrigal administrators can add plots and links to each Madrigal experiment. Click on the plots from that experiment.
For the default file for the 42 meter fixed antenna, choose "Print file as ascii (isprint)". This link allows you print both measured and derived parameters. For this file, choose time parameters (year, month, day, hour, min, sec), geographic parameters (elm, azm, gdlat, glon, gdalt), geophysical parameter (kp), and I. S. Radar Basic Parameters (ne, dne, ti, dti, te, dte). Which of these parameters are in the file, and which are derived?
Repeat the above with headers off and missing data replaced with the string NaN.
Save the result in a file using the Save text to file button.
Next, we'll try to filter the data. There are some standards filter at the top of the web page, such as elevation or altitude. Just under them are free-form filters that allow filtering using any parameter. Add a filter so that only data where te / dte is greater than 10.0 is printed (that is, the error in te is less than one-tenth the measured value).
Run Models
Use the Madrigal page
Run Models->Calculate any Madrigal parameter for a given time and range of lat, lon, and alt
to calculate the shadow height (SDWHT) and magnetic field vector (BN,BE,BD) 1000 km directly above Svalbard (lat 81, lon 16) at 2013-03-01 00:00:00 UT.