/opt/madrigal/bin/globalIsprint.py \ --url=http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/madrigal/ --output=tmp.dat \ --parms=DAY,DAYNO,MONTH,YEAR,SLT,UT,GDALT,F10.7,FBAR,NEL,NEL_MODEL,TE,TE_MODEL,TI,TI_MODEL,VO \ --user_fullname="Shunrong Zhang" --user_email="shunrong@haystack.mit.edu" \ --user_affiliation="MIT Haystack Observatory" \ --filter=gdalt,300,325 --filter=elm,80,90 \ --filter=slt,11.49,12.51 \ --inst=30 --startDate=3/1/2007 --endDate=4/1/2008 \ --missing="9999.9" --assumed="9999.9" --knownbad="9999.9" \ --verbose more tmp.dat| grep -v 'D' >IPYnoonMH.dat more tmp.dat| grep 'D' >IPYnoonMH.head
The above codes will use globalIsprint.py to search madrigal database for Millstone Hill data in local time range 11.49-12.51 between 3/1/2007 and 4/1/2008 from 300-325 km range.
you should copy the above scripts into a file (exeDataSearch} and execute it.
To get help on the globalIsprint.py, in the command line, type /opt/madrigal/bin/globalIsprint.py