Anja's pictures Craig's pictures
Reference Materials
Beams = General Amisr info =
Recommended Radar Books
1) Stimson, Introduction to Airborne Radar (Artech, 1998)
2) Levanon, Radar Principles (Wiley, 1988)
3) Mahafza, Radar Signal Analysis and Processing Using MATLAB (Chapman & Hall, 2008)
4) Skolnik, Introduction to radar principles (McGraw-Hill, 2002)
5) Skolnik, Radar Handbook (McGraw-Hill, 2008)
6) Rihaczek, Principles of High Resolution Radar (Artech House, 1996) Summer School Schedule
Recommended Ionosphere Books
1) Kelley, M. C. 1989; 2009. The Earth's ionosphere: Plasma physics and electrodynamics. International Geophysics Series, vol 43. San Diego: Academic Press. (Hardcover - 2009/05/19)
2) Rishbeth, Henry; Garriott, Owen K. Introduction to ionospheric physics, New, York, Academic Press, 1969. International geophysics series, v. 14
3) Jursa, Adolph S., Handbook of Geophysics and the Space Environment, 4th edition, 1985, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, MA
Interactive Incoherent Scatter Theoretical Spectrum Applet (written by J. M. Holt):
AMISR Summer School MIT Haystack Observatory & SRI International 13-17 July 2009 – at SRI, Menlo Park, California
Sunday, 12 July
18:30-XXXX Staff dinner
Monday, 13 July
08:30-09:00 Breakfast provided
09:00-09:30 Welcome and Logistics - Anja Strømme/Anthea Coster/Craig Heinselman/NSF
09:30-10:15 Intro to Ionosphere - Anthea Coster
10:15-10:30 BREAK
10:30-11:30 Basic Radar I - Asti Bhatt
11:30-12:00 ISR Theory I - Anja Strømme
12:15-13:00 Lunch provided
13:00-14:00 ISR Theory II - Anja Strømme
14:00-14:30 Computer organization - Bill Rideout/SRI technical staff
14:30-16:00 Using Madrigal practically and productively - Bill Rideout/all staff
16:30-18:30 Tour of the Big Dish
18:30-XXXX Dinner on own
Tuesday, 14 July
08:30-09:00 Breakfast provided
09:00-10:00 Basic Radar II - Josh Semeter
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-11:15 ISR Theory III - Phil Erickson
11:15-12:00 Data Analysis and Fitting I - Phil Erickson/Josh Semeter
12:00-13:00 Lunch provided
13:30-14:00 An Introduction to AMISR - Craig Heinselman/John Kelly
14:00-17:30 Experiment Design and Submission - Mike Nicolls
18:00-XXXX Dinner on own
Wednesday, 15 July
08:30-09:00 Breakfast provided
09:00-10:00 Data Analysis and Fitting II - Josh Semeter
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-11:15 Data Analysis and Fitting III - Phil Erickson/Josh Semeter
11:15-12:00 Other Instrumentation at Poker Flat and Resolute Bay - Anja Strømme
12:00-13:30 Lunch provided
13:30-17:30 Data Retrieval and Analysis - Mike Nicolls/Bill Rideout
18:30-XXXX Student cookout dinner, transportation provided [rain date: Thursday evening]
Thursday, 16 July
08:30-09:00 Breakfast provided
09:00-10:00 More on ISR Experiments, Data Reduction, and Analysis - Mike Nicolls
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-10:30 Full IS Spectrum - Asti Bhatt
10:30-11:00 Science with a Classic ISR - Examples from UAF Chain - Anthea Coster
11:00-12:00 AMISR Science Results - Anja Strømme
12:00-13:00 Lunch provided
13:00-17:30 Presentation Preparation - All course staff
Friday, 17 July
08:30-09:00 Breakfast provided
09:00-09:45 Student Presentations
student_presentation_A.ppt student_presentation_D.pdf
09:45-10:15 BREAK
10:15-12:00 Student Presentations; Summary and Evaluations
12:00-13:00 Lunch provided
13:00-16:00 Afternoon Science Talks
The D region and the mesosphere - Roger Varney
Topside fits - Sixto Gonzales
Using the ISR chain to study storms - Michael Kelley