Responsible Engineers: Jenna B, Jack A, Cruz S, Ben L, Sera H, Dylan G
Past Research:
Phoenix Lines: Soft Goods,
Staging Demo Lines:
Hermes Lines:
Hermes Quicklink and Swivel Analysis: Hermes Quicklinks & Swivels
Separation Type
Single Separation & Dual Deployment
- Do on Hermes, Staging Demo Sustainer and Phoenix Sustainer
- Combined drogue & main bay takes up less space in mpt
- 1 separation system isn't as heavy
- Would have to use TDs or cable cutters
- TDs may not work at high altitude (issues w/ heat transfer and combustion in low pressure)
- May be good to test TDs in vacuum chamber at lower pressure
- 2nd gen tender descender (works at "high altitudes"):
- Doesn't require black powder, only e-match(es)
- 2nd gen tender descender (works at "high altitudes"):
- Use a cable cutter?
- Still uses bp so might not work at high altitude but could have better pressure seal
- Vacuum tested according to the website:
Dual Separation & Dual Deployment
- Heavier (two separation systems vs one) and takes up more space
- No reliance on TDs
- Don't have to worry about main tangling while drogue is deployed
Line Sizing
Line Sizing Resources on Wiki:
- Hermes Webbing Line Sizing: Hermes Webbing Lengths
Outside Sources:
Failure Modes
- Webbing failure modes: Hermes Webbing Failure
- TD failures
- e-match shorting
- wet black powder or TD isn't pressure sealed so black powder can't combust