What we want to test:
Deployment and inflation behaviour of the parachute.
Stability of the parachute throughout the entire flight envelope.
Opening load of the parachute.
Tow testing for 48 inch parachutes and drogues
Pros: Already have a procedure for this, doesn’t require communication with administration
Cons: could create holes and damage parachute, probably wouldn’t work for 96 inch parachute
Have procedure
Drop testing (mainly for drogue parachutes)
Need this to calculate Cd values for the drogues
Pros: test inflation of drogue parachutes, very easy test to do, already have a procedure
Cons: possibility of damaging the parachute, need to get access to a tall building
Have procedure
Wind Tunnel Testing
Pros: probably the only way we can test the large parachute, could use the open return small wind tunnel (would have to check if it fits on the larger one), can vary the speed and pressure to mimic high altitude environment
Cons: we don’t have a procedure, need a mounting stand (shouldn’t be too hard to find)
Need to write procedure
Bridle Loop Testing
Pros: can figure out what failed on Phoenix
Cons: would have to use older parachutes to test since newer parachutes would get damaged in the process, don’t have a procedure, would have to ask to use testing equipment (Zach’s instron?)
Can calculate exact shock on bridle loop and apply this force
Need to write procedure