Meeting notes:
- July 29, 2008: Final updates prior to beta testing
- July 22, 2008: QA plan review, initial build complete, multimedia overview- working demo
- July 15, 2008: Development Prototype Review
- July 8, 2008: First Development Prototypes
- July 1,2008: Transition to Development
- June 24, 2008: Third Design Review & Usability Results
- June 17, 2008: Second Design Review
- June 10, 2008: Development and Multimedia Schedule Discussions
- June 3, 2008: Design Direction
- May 27, 2008: First Design Review
- May 20, 2008: Multimedia Review
- May 13, 2008: Writing and Design Schedule
- May 1, 2008: Vendor Kickoff Meeting
- January 31st, 2008
- Oct, 23, 2007
- Oct 22, 2007
- Oct 1, 2007
- Sept. 6, 2007
- Sept. 5, 2007