            HR-19 - Julienne Dean, Kathleen Flynn, Janet Walzer, Chuck Munger, Jackie Cancell, Ken Paul
            By phone - Kath and Robert Thurston-Lighty, Bob Wilt, Ranjani Saigal (cameo)

  1. Design
    • Deliverables complete except for PP template
    • Allison Alden review on 7/7. Julienne, Janet and Ken provided a project update and showed Alison the latest prototype pages. She felt the design was clean and crisp, yet wanted to be sure we kept our focus re: content. Content should cover what the new employee wants and needs to know versus what HR feels compelled to say. Alison liked the menu choice language. She expects the site to be able to handle new content as it becomes available. In general, she saw no red flags, and encouraged us to keep to the schedule.
  2. Writing/Content
    • Multimedia script review. Kath and Janet will be meeting later today to review the edits to the benefits scripts. There is still some navigating to do to strike the right balance in tone.
    • Home page usability issue. Via email, Laurie suggested a usability issue with the home page: users won't know what to do next. She suggested a short phrase and link to a logical place to begin (e.g., checklists) would be appropriate.  Kath felt that to implement this properly would require more than a simple phrase and link insertion.  Chuck proposed that we direct people on where to go in the letter that we send out to new employees, informing them of the site.  We can revisit this during the full usability study in the fall.
    • Multimedia disclaimers. Need to decide on language and location of a disclaimer; e.g., that official plan benefits take precedence over the multimedia presentation should differences in plan details occur.
  3. Multimedia Development 
    • Voice review. Janet, Julienne, Kath and Ken discussed the voice choices. Six people were selected; the group is still working out topic assignments. When this task is complete, we will let the narrators know.
    • Scheduling. We may have to start a day early as one of the selected narrators will otherwise be on vacation.
    • Kath will participate in the audio productions remotely .
  4. IS&T Update
    • Ranjani has passed the prototype link to the Usability department for their code review.
    • Bob confirms that they will not be able to review Flash code, only HTML.
    • MIT Certificate Page Update. Kath is working with Paul Hill of IS&T to produce a draft version of the certificate acquisition process with a NEO flavor. Paul feels this is appropriate given that most users accessing this page will originate from the HR NEO web site.  
  5. Development
    • Five prototype pages available: (home page, all three secondary pages, and one tertiary page "Growing and Learning")
    • The community bubble is still in development and may not be ready by the next weekly meeting.
    • Accessibility. Jackie pointed out that MIT Medical (300 employees) does not have access to Flash, due to security concerns. There may be other MIT communities with the same restrictions. N.B. these users most likely will have access to Flash on their home PCs.
    • Flash Objects: error handling direction when the user doesn't have flash or javascripts enabled. Need to consider readability/accessibility issues
      • Community bubble. Recommend not displaying anything, adding a new link
      • Multimedia link. Options considered:
        • Display "Enable Javascript" and or "Get Flash Here" text and links.
        • Have a PDF of the PP slideshow.
        • Need to
          • decide on language
          • test usability of PDF
          • decide on how to expose PDF link.
    • Animation for the multimedia link. Bob felt it appropriate to add something to make the link come alive. Everyone agreed.
    • URL review. Bob pointed out that now's the time to make any name changes to the URLS. He simplified many of the submenu items to make it less cumbersome to type in.
  6. Follow-up action items
    • Comments on the prototype pages by 7/14/08
      • Design/content suggestions (everyone)
      • URL names.(Janet/Laurie) (right click on the Prototype links to see their names)
    • Ken to check in with Wing re: PP slides.
    • Ken to research accessibility of PDF files and of the Flash based multimedia viewer.
    • Janet/Kath: New Community bubble page- submenu link name
    • Janet/Julienne: review other multimedia sites and propose disclaimers for multimedia presentation 
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