Instructions for installing and testing Click to Speak:
- Go to Perforce directory 2009/OneButton/Publish or shared drive folder 2010/Click To Speak.
- Install TextEditor3.air and ClickToSpeak.air (the text editor and the playable game, respectively).
- The sample XML file game.xml and the audio folder Draft_Record are saved in Test_with_new_relative_path_system. It's important that game.xml is saved in the same folder as Draft_Record for the sample game to run. (In previous builds you had to worry about where they were saved relative to the applications, but we've changed the way file paths work, so you can install the applications anywhere you like.)
- To use the editor: Start TextEditor3. The initial pop-up box is for filling in character names, and is really only useful when you're starting a new game file; otherwise, just X out of it. You can view the dialogue tree for our sample game by clicking Open in the File menu and opening game.xml.
- To run game: Start ClickToSpeak. Click Load Game and select game.xml as the game file. Click Start Game to play.
A text version of the test game is in Perforce //depot/2009/OneButton/cts-script.docx.