This page receives the agenda of a css managers' meeting after it has happened, often annotating the planned agenda with a short note about what developed around it.
Notes from past meetings are on individual pages by date.
(The below should be split into individual pages if want to be true to convention.)
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- Mac OS X 10.6 and Windows 7 Release
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- ITSS FY10 Goals
- Head of IS&T Orientation
- What I learned on a trip to Lincoln Labs - Barbara
11:30am, Downtown Crossing (W92-225), CSS Managers
- Demo new DDM Inventory Database (Chris) - 15-20minutes? Less if necessary.
- N42 space requests update
- Presidents Report
- HQ Roadmap
11:30am, W92-225, CSS Managers
- Presentation on DCAD Cost savings? (Steve Buckley) - Needs to be first on the agenda and able to take a conference call.
- Demo new DDM Inventory Database (Chris) - Postponed
- Update on Fall Readiness/Orientation and some FSX/Athena summer updates (Oliver) - 15 minutes exactly
- N42 space requests, inc. need for thunderdome - tabled for next week
- Exchange transition
11:30am, W92-225, CSS Managers
- Meeting canceled due to lack of interest
11:30am, W92-225, CSS Managers
- start doing weekly team updates on goals, etc (teams rotate each week)
- limit Roundtable to 15-20 minutes
- continue working on Role Descriptions
- need to begin roadmaps of products/services we want to de-support
- Rob will coordinate Q4 metrics and Presidents Report, then begin to transition narrative to Pat and Elaine, will keep metrics and analyze
- staff moves to Pat by Monday noon latest (6/22)
05-05-2009 -- this meeting time spent on PA ratings calibration.
04-21-2009 - no meeting notes were taken; no agenda was posted.
04-14-2009 - this scheduled meeting was cancelled.
11/12/2008 - Wednesday substitution for 11/11