11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- Working Model of a Software Release Decision / Process model
- Filemaker shall be the working example. (limited access)
- The outcome of this agenda item will be a CSS decision about what WE are going to do about FileMaker 10
- SWRT (with Cecilia's help) will provide a recommendation to CSS Managers
Comments post-presentation:
This template is an excellent model for future versions of this same discussion.
Could benefit from a "Why now?" section, assess what is the impact of waiting three months, or six.
It would be good to have a stock material to give to the 1500 licensees that get a copy.
The presence of FM on campus is broad and deep, if intermittent in use by some. The unit cost of $15 (to $30000) is low; there is a lot of yield in usefulness for the license investment.
How do we use this release process as a better handle on how FM is used by our licensees?
What is the upgrade burden of moving to the new version? Chris mentioned the presence of orphaned but operational FM systems that might need to be mitigated. FM10 does not force users in to a new version to interoperate with older versions.
In the new financial environment, DLCs will not have the same flexibility to kick versions forward when the vendor does a new rev.
Question 1: shall we distribute 10 to those who want it.
Question 2: should we do the release now, or can we wait a quarter, or a year? --
Question 3: what are the downstream costs to a client of not being able to upgrade?
(Question 4: can we prompt a decommissioning of r8 and move everyone to 9 without moving to 10.)
Apparent group agreements:
- announce the process we plan to go through. Call a special FMUG meeting about FM10 before we kick off the release. Include IT-leads and IT-partners, as they may have their own non-overlapping set of FM items to worry about.
- do not broadly distribute 10 until we do a formal release.
- do allow trickle out to the few early adopters that sign off on their self-sufficiency prior to the broad release.
- turn off support for 8 throughout CSS as a consequence of releasing 10.
- start inventorying / tracking what people are using and what for (updated contact list, etc., and what the essential MIT business is that is running on the DB). Send an email survey to FMUG members
- Updates from DITR - Chris
- changes to 2 DITR Teams (AdminIT and Desktop Renewal)
They are combining under ChuckK as team leader. No name chosen yet for this. It achieves efficiencies in management and process. Brian has more time to do the work of DesktopRenewal. Four reports to Chuck.
Pat Connolly moving into SLA group.
- Update on potential Altiris add-on for software distribution
Symantec bought them; there is now a push tool for software distribution to the desktop via this sort of tool. This one is Windows only, with Macs on their roadmap. Does not require the Altiris client to be installed. Softbridge is a resource hog but is multiplatform.
New player in Asset Recovery
Another local company, Converge, does the same thing as Dell; may lead to a competitive bid.
- Wilson is going to India for two weeks 2/12/09 (Thursday). Barb is the designate. 10 1/2 hours time difference, but he will be available.
- Daptiv project status report is one deliverable.
- All-Hands -- two hours
- wants to give a portfolio view of CSS activities by line of business, get a sense of quantity of work
- CSIR presentation -- have Taeminn come to give a show on where things are.
- 1 to 2-page financial summary, giving the group a sense of how big it is and where.