Term | Definition |
Academic Council | Provost and Dean's Committee (Annual review is last step of In Cycle Process) |
Action | In e-Builder, An action is a trigger to complete a step in the workflow. For example Submit or Revise are both Actions. |
Actor | In e-Builder, an actor is a person that can act on a step. Actors receive notifications via email to login to e-Builder and complete a step. At times it may be necessary to accept or decline the responsibility to complete a step. Once an actor takes an action the step is considered complete. |
Administrative Officer (AO)Typically for each Department or Lab | As Bid Budget - Competitively Bid Pricing | Reviewed by R-CRSP if it exceeds the Preliminary Budget. |
Assistant Dean (AD)One for each School or Operating Unit/Area (EVP, DSL, etc.) | Baseline | A snapshot of the aspects of a project at the beginning. A baseline is used to compare actual task duration, start and end times to what was anticipated at the beginning of the project. |
Budget | In e-Builder, your Budget represents what you are authorized to spend. |
Building Committee | Reviews Major Capital Projects and recommends approval to Executive Committee |
CC | An abbreviation for Campus Construction |
CC Planner | A Planner working in the Campus Construction department |
CRSP | Committee for Renovation and Space Planning - Chaired by the Associate Provost. Projects are usually CRSP projects, though some are referred to as non-CRSP projects in which processes may be slightly different. |
Commitment | Same as SAP, a commitment is used for e-Builder process 04.04 Issue Purchase Order/Issue Contract |
Company | A company is a record of contact information (such as phone number, fax, email address, street address, etc.) for a company. There can be multiple Contacts associated with a company, but only one Company can be associated with a Contact. Companies can be stored solely as a reference or associated with commitments, costs or bids in the Cost and Bidding modules. |
Contact | An Contact is a record of contact information (such as phone number, fax, email address, street address, etc.) associated with a Company. Contacts can be stored solely as a reference or associated with bids in the Bidding module. |
Contingency | Project funds set aside that can be used for unforeseen expenses. |
Critical Path | Tasks that must be completed on time in order for a project to finish on schedule. A delay in the completion of these tasks will delay the end date of the project. Critical path tasks are indicated by red lettering of the task name in the e-Builder project schedule. |
Dependencies | A task that depends on another. The relationships between tasks are called dependencies. |
Duration | The amount of time allowed to finish a task. |
DLC | Abbreviation for Department, Lab or Center |
eB | Abbreviation for e-Builder |
e-Builder Admin | An administrator of the e-Builder software application working out of the MIT Facilities team |
e-Builder Company | Each e-Builder contact is associated with an e-Builder company. There can be more that one contact associated with a company. A contact can not belong to more than one company. |
e-Builder Contact | Someone with a record of contact information (phone number, address, fax etc.) associated with an e-Builder company. Each contact can be an invited bidder during the bid process. |
e-Builder User | Someone that has been added to the e-Builder account as a participant to a set of your projects. |
Event | While still treated as a task in regards to duration, start and finish time, an event is classified as a meeting or an approval of item(s). Specifying events gives the System Admin or Schedule Manager the ability to better manage the schedule by identifying when work is actually being done versus a decision making or approval process that may or may not impact the schedule. |
EVPExecutive Vice President, responsible for Non-Academic Department Administration | Executive Committee | Committee that approves and funds Major Capital Projects on behalf of the Corporation. |
Form | Forms are input screens used to record data or information, usually about projects. The most common form in e-Builder is a Workflow Form, which is used in e-Builder Processes |
Free Slack | The amount of time a task can be delayed before its successor task is delayed. |
In Cycle ProcessCRSP batch review/approval to coincide with annual Institute Budget Cycle (Dec - Apr) | Master Process | Master Processes are created by the e-B administrator to categorize and report on Master Tasks. Project schedules use these processes to filter and view activities in the schedule. |
Master Task | Master Tasks are a standard set of tasks used in multiple project schedules. The power of Master Tasks lies in cross project reporting. Project schedules typically include a subset of these mater tasks and and regular tasks. The e-B administrator maintains these processes and tasks. |
Milestone | Certain points in the schedule that are considered important in that these items are critical for the successful completion of the project. When monitoring multiple projects in e-Builder it is helpful if all projects have the same Milestones to enable consistent reporting. |
Milestone Project Estimate and Budget Request Template | A template used to create a budget in e-Builder. |
MOU | Abbreviation for Memorandum of Understanding. In e-Builder the MOU is created as part of the MOU and Stage 1 Budget process. |
OBFP | Office of Budget and Financial Planning (Budget Office) |
OCP | Office of Campus Planning |
OCP Assignor | Office of Campus Planning Assignor |
Out of Cycle Process | Year round process used except for December to April |
PICS - Project Information and Cost System | An MS Access customized database that merges non-financial project information with SAP Financial Information networked on Project Manager's Desktops. PICS will be retired when e-Builder is fully implemented. |
Plan/Study | Work carried out by Campus Planning and Design |
Predecessor | In a relationship where one task depends on another, the task which has another dependent on it is called the predecessor. It might also be referred to as the controlling task. |
Process | In e-Builder, a mechanism to route information based on defined business rules, track communications and ensure accountability for all project participants. |
Anchor |
Project Terms | Project Terms | ProjectA planned set of interrelated tasks to be completed within a certain period of time and within certain cost or other limitations. In e-Builder, projects refer to the projects for which you are identified as a participant. Each "real world" project is associated with a project in e-Builder. If you are working on the "real world" version of the project you can be added to the project in e-Builder. | Proposed Preliminary BudgetFirst estimate reviewed by R-CRSP, typically based on sketches or SD's | Provost | Senior administrative officer. |
RCA Form | Renovation Cost Analysis form. Used by CRSP. |
R-CRSPRenovation Subcommittee of CRSP - Reviews and approves most all planning studies, space changes, space requests and space reassignments. The formal minutes are used to notify the Community of project decisions and to direct the Budget Office to transfer funds to specific projects | SEGDoF's System Engineering Group | Schedule | Schedules consist of a lost of all the tasks to be completed for a particular project. |
Schedule Manager | The schedule manager is responsible for developing the schedule. This person will determine the order of the tasks, their duration, allocate resources to each task and then monitor the project to compare the projected outcome to the actual outcome. By default, for MIT Facilities projects the Schedule Manager role will be assigned to the Project Manager. |
Slack | The amount of time that a task can be delayed before it affects a dependency or the overall completion date of the project. |
Space Change | All renovation project on campus greater than $10,000 or moving of walls or two or more trades |
Space Request | DLC request to permanently or temporarily use space not currently assigned it (*) |
Stage 1 Budget | Cost estimate for the conceptual, feasability or initial design work needed for project start. |
Subtasks | When a task has many pieces to it and it is broken down, the pieces are referred to as Subtasks. |
Successor | In a relationship where one task depends on another task, the dependent task is called the successor. |
Summary Task | A high level task with subtasks underneath it. Summary task views give you an overall picture of when a portion of a project will be completed. |
Task | Tasks are the basic building blocks of a project schedule; tasks make up the schedule. Based on the duration assigned and the placement of the task a start and end date is automatically applied. |
Task Manager | The person responsible for managing the tasks of a particular project phase, such as Design or Construction tasks. |
Task Resource | The person responsible for for completing an individual task. This person will typically report to the task manager. |
Template (Schedule) | A predefined pattern or makeup that you can use as the basis for setting up a future project. Templates are created by an Account Administrator and they can choose to apply this template to the project, which will automatically give you a basis to start with when building out the project schedule. If a template is not applied to the project, the Account Administrator can make schedule templates available for the schedule manager to use. Available template options display in adrop-down menu when applying a schedule template. |
Total Term | Definition |
Academic Council | Provost and Dean's Committee (Annual review is last step of In Cycle Process) |
Action | In e-Builder, An action is a trigger to complete a step in the workflow. For example Submit or Revise are both Actions. |
Actor | In e-Builder, an actor is a person that can act on a step. Actors receive notifications via email to login to e-Builder and complete a step. At times it may be necessary to accept or decline the responsibility to complete a step. Once an actor takes an action the step is considered complete. |
Administrative Officer (AO) | Typically for each Department or Lab |
As Bid Budget - Competitively Bid Pricing | Reviewed by R-CRSP if it exceeds the Preliminary Budget. |
Assistant Dean (AD) | One for each School or Operating Unit/Area (EVP, DSL, etc.) |
Baseline | A snapshot of the aspects of a project at the beginning. A baseline is used to compare actual task duration, start and end times to what was anticipated at the beginning of the project. |
Budget | In e-Builder, your Budget represents what you are authorized to spend. |
Budget Change |
Building Committee | Reviews Major Capital Projects and recommends approval to Executive Committee |
CC | An abbreviation for Campus Construction |
CC Planner | A Planner working in the Campus Construction department |
Change Order Request (COR) | A request from a vendor to increase their commitment amount. |
CRSP | Committee for Renovation and Space Planning - Chaired by the Associate Provost. Projects are usually CRSP projects, though some are referred to as non-CRSP projects in which processes may be slightly different. |
Commitment | Commitment and Purchase Order are synonyms in e-Builder. When submitting an invoice in e-Builder a vendor can bill up to the value of their commitment. |
Company | A company is a record of contact information (such as phone number, fax, email address, street address, etc.) for a company. There can be multiple Contacts associated with a company, but only one Company can be associated with a Contact. Companies can be stored solely as a reference or associated with commitments, costs or bids in the Cost and Bidding modules. |
Contact | An Contact is a record of contact information (such as phone number, fax, email address, street address, etc.) associated with a Company. Contacts can be stored solely as a reference or associated with bids in the Bidding module. |
Contingency | Project funds set aside that can be used for unforeseen expenses. |
Critical Path | Tasks that must be completed on time in order for a project to finish on schedule. A delay in the completion of these tasks will delay the end date of the project. Critical path tasks are indicated by red lettering of the task name in the e-Builder project schedule. |
Dependencies | A task that depends on another. The relationships between tasks are called dependencies. |
Duration | The amount of time allowed to finish a task. |
DLC | Abbreviation for Department, Lab or Center |
eB | Abbreviation for e-Builder |
e-Builder Admin | An administrator of the e-Builder software application working out of the MIT Facilities team |
e-Builder Company | Each e-Builder contact is associated with an e-Builder company. There can be more that one contact associated with a company. A contact can not belong to more than one company. |
e-Builder Contact | Someone with a record of contact information (phone number, address, fax etc.) associated with an e-Builder company. Each contact can be an invited bidder during the bid process. |
e-Builder User | Someone that has been added to the e-Builder account as a participant to a set of your projects. |
Event | While still treated as a task in regards to duration, start and finish time, an event is classified as a meeting or an approval of item(s). Specifying events gives the System Admin or Schedule Manager the ability to better manage the schedule by identifying when work is actually being done versus a decision making or approval process that may or may not impact the schedule. |
EVP | Executive Vice President, responsible for Non-Academic Department Administration |
Executive Committee | Committee that approves and funds Major Capital Projects on behalf of the Corporation. |
Form | Forms are input screens used to record data or information, usually about projects. The most common form in e-Builder is a Workflow Form, which is used in e-Builder Processes |
Free Slack | The amount of time a task can be delayed before its successor task is delayed. |
General Contract Change Order (GCCO) | In e-Builder, a GCCO is the process used to bundle and finalize CORs. |
In Cycle Process | CRSP batch review/approval to coincide with annual Institute Budget Cycle (Dec - Apr) |
Master Process | Master Processes are created by the e-B administrator to categorize and report on Master Tasks. Project schedules use these processes to filter and view activities in the schedule. |
Master Task | Master Tasks are a standard set of tasks used in multiple project schedules. The power of Master Tasks lies in cross project reporting. Project schedules typically include a subset of these mater tasks and and regular tasks. The e-B administrator maintains these processes and tasks. |
Milestone | Certain points in the schedule that are considered important in that these items are critical for the successful completion of the project. When monitoring multiple projects in e-Builder it is helpful if all projects have the same Milestones to enable consistent reporting. |
Milestone Project Estimate and Budget Request Template | A retired process and accompanying spreadsheet used to develop and upload a budget. It was replaced in October of 2018 by the Project Budget Approval process. |
MOU | Abbreviation for Memorandum of Understanding. In e-Builder the MOU is created as part of the MOU and Stage 1 Budget process. |
OBFP | Office of Budget and Financial Planning (Budget Office) |
OCP | Office of Campus Planning |
OCP Assignor | Office of Campus Planning Assignor |
Out of Cycle Process | Year round process used except for December to April |
PICS - Project Information and Cost System | An MS Access customized database that merges non-financial project information with SAP Financial Information networked on Project Manager's Desktops. PICS will be retired when e-Builder is fully implemented. |
Plan/Study | Work carried out by Campus Planning and Design |
Predecessor | In a relationship where one task depends on another, the task which has another dependent on it is called the predecessor. It might also be referred to as the controlling task. |
Process | In e-Builder, a mechanism to route information based on defined business rules, track communications and ensure accountability for all project participants. |
Anchor |
| Project Terms |
| Project Terms |
| Project | A planned set of interrelated tasks to be completed within a certain period of time and within certain cost or other limitations. In e-Builder, projects refer to the projects for which you are identified as a participant. Each "real world" project is associated with a project in e-Builder. If you are working on the "real world" version of the project you can be added to the project in e-Builder. |
Proposed Preliminary Budget | First estimate reviewed by R-CRSP, typically based on sketches or SD's |
Provost | Senior administrative officer. |
RCA Form | Renovation Cost Analysis form. Used by CRSP. |
R-CRSP | Renovation Subcommittee of CRSP - Reviews and approves most all planning studies, space changes, space requests and space reassignments. The formal minutes are used to notify the Community of project decisions and to direct the Budget Office to transfer funds to specific projects |
SEG | DoF's System Engineering Group |
Schedule | Schedules consist of a lost of all the tasks to be completed for a particular project. |
Schedule Manager | The schedule manager is responsible for developing the schedule. This person will determine the order of the tasks, their duration, allocate resources to each task and then monitor the project to compare the projected outcome to the actual outcome. By default, for MIT Facilities projects the Schedule Manager role will be assigned to the Project Manager. |
Slack | The amount of time that a task can be delayed before it affects a dependency or the overall completion date of the project |
end date is affectedVariance | The difference between the scheduled/actual start or scheduled/actual finish of a task and the baseline start or finish of that task. |
View Only | A special account in e-Builder that provides view only access to any project in the system. |
Workflow | In e-Builder, the automation of a business process during which documents or other information is passes between project participants for action. |