Result or Product of this Process
This process is used by OCP to gather responses to RFQs
Process Details
- This process is used by OCP to gather responses to RFQs
- The process does not spawn other processes.
- On this step the Initiator of the process is given the opportunity to fill out many fields; these fields fall into the categories of Firm Information, Billing Information, Local Address, Contract Details, Type of Firm, Firm Certifications & Registrations, Key Personnel Business and Financial Information, Disclosures and General Questions, Safety & Insurance, Sustainability Programs & Operational Information, and Experience with Partner Model.
- Upon submission the next step is OCP Planner Review.
OCP Planner Review
- On this step the OCP Planner has the opportunity to review the information that was entered into the process. The OCP Planner will select a choice for the Status field.
- Upon submission the next step is Finish.