Result or Product of this Process
This process allows project managers to fill out and route an Excel template four separate times (SD, DD, CD and Final).
The first three times it routes, the Financial Analyst will upload as dynamic cost columns for SD, DD, CD and the final routing will be uploaded as the original budget.
This process populates the Cost module.
This process is started by:
- A project manager
- Started (spawned) from the 02.02 Project Definition Form Creation process when that process is used to request Capital Renewal funds for a project.
Regardless of how the process is started project managers will complete an Excel spreadsheet to establish the budget. Instructions for using the spreadsheet are embedded into the process. The spreadsheet must be edited and checked back into e-Builder and attached to the process as specified in the instructions. Project managers cannot change the spreadsheet by adding rows or columns or altering the spreadsheet in any way.
1. Initiation by Project Manager or Spawn
2. Started by Spawn
3. Project Manager Estimate
4. Program Manager Review
5. Initiator Revise and Resubmit
6. CC Director and Director of Projects or M&U Director or OCP Director or Campus Services Director or IBO Director Review
7. Funding Request? (Conditional)
8. Capital Project? (F) (Conditional)
9. Capital Project? (Conditional)
10. CRSP Admin Distributes
11. R-CRSP Committee Review Approval
12. Governance Review
13. Project On Hold
14. Cost Object Assigned?
15. Financial Officer Obtain Cost Object
16. Financial Analyst Imports Data
17. PM Revises Estimate/Budget Workbook
18. Finish