(The below should be split into individual pages if want to be true to convention.)
11:30am, N42-202, CSS Managers
- changes to Daptiv (sponsorship, etc) - check weekly report to see whats missing
- file share options (Sparkler) TABLED for next week
- All Hands Presentation (review, comments and changes) CSS All Hands Presentations Oct0209.ppt
- Marilyn's groundrules (maybe we want to adopt?)
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- Daptiv projects review - need to get ITSS, FSX projects in this week
- CSS email and moira list management - teams need to clean up lists
Wiki Markup AUX FY10 Action Plan \[Steve\] <-\- *{_}Draft{_}* available: [https://wikis-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/AUX/Action+Plan|https://wikis-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/AUX/Action+Plan]
- SalesForce CRM has 8 seats available for trial
- Finance to review budgets with managers
- service delivery workflow model - prep for senior staff
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- Client Satisfaction Surveys: review and feedback (Rob Smyser)
- Rob will send presentation to managers and schedule separate working sdession (possibly CSS Leaders)
- All Hands presentations to Elaine by 9/25 - progress in last three months and what coming up for next three months
- Daptiv project entry (deadline TODAY)
- the CSS "one pager" CANCELLED - on boarding docs will be enough until direct meetings CSS Overview.docx
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- CSS joining ISDA for R&R - Bryan will send invite for Charles River cruise 9/24
- incorporating IT Task Force items into CSS planning and roadmaps
- Service Desk unit costs model draft
- Anne to share DCAD costing and chargeback model
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- CSS Website updates - must have edits to the production team prior to 9/25
- CSS All Hands 10/2/09 - presentations to Elaine by 9/25/09
- progress report post reorg and/or roadmap
- FY2010 Goals
- Daptiv project request approval - will now be Pat with Anne as backup
12:00pm, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- Vacations - Pat and Chris on vacation next week (check Exchange as what days)
- Projects and initiatives in Daptiv - please put work into Daptiv by 9/15. For example:
- PGP roll out
- Keyserver pilot
- Metrics refresh
- Billing process inventory
- Software chargeback models
- CSS All Hands in October - teams will present on 2010 roadmaps
- Wiki space administration - Oliver will move managers wiki to new space and limit in terms of access
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- Daptiv updates (permissions revoked for staff that have transitioned)
- Ticketing Tool Requirements - please get your top 10 to Pat by weeks end
- Exchange project feedback
- Presentation of a senario for new CSS financial structure
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- Human Resources
- Steve Filipiak
Wiki Markup Management Development Programs for CSS Leaders (aka Management For Excellence) \[?? minutes\]
Wiki Markup MITAlert Drill \[5 minutes - Steve\]
Wiki Markup CSS Managers Wiki permissions \[Chris\]
Wiki Markup Hermes on-going costs \[othomas\]
- eMail/Calendaring - Deb & Wilson
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- Presentation on proposed changes to AdminIT program (Chuck King)
- FY2010 Goal setting 8/6/09 rescheduled for September CSS FY2010 Themes and Goals (Draft)
- CSS pipeline meeting will be introduced at CSS Leaders 8/17
- Mac OS 10.6 resource needs review scheduled 8/13
- AO Fundamentals Program - Elaine Aufiero wwas accepted for FY2010
- vacations
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- We can talk about some Fall Readiness / Orientation 2009 stuff. Third time's the charm? (o)
- If we're really hard up for topics we can also talk about the idea of tracking key dates in the events calendar (see email from a few weeks ago) and next steps (o)
- N42 space requests will be coordinated with Wilson for month of August
- Pat will send SW Portfolio out to managers
- Exchange migration feedback should be collected by departmental coordinators and then presented to Tiger Team
- revamp of quarterly report process and metrics
- managers to be accountable for equipment in each of their areas
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- Mac OS X 10.6 and Windows 7 Release
11:30am, W92-225 Downtown Crossing, CSS Managers
- ITSS FY10 Goals
- Head of IS&T Orientation
- What I learned on a trip to Lincoln Labs - Barbara
11:30am, Downtown Crossing (W92-225), CSS Managers
- Demo new DDM Inventory Database (Chris) - 15-20minutes? Less if necessary.
- N42 space requests update
- Presidents Report
- HQ Roadmap
11:30am, W92-225, CSS Managers
- Presentation on DCAD Cost savings? (Steve Buckley) - Needs to be first on the agenda and able to take a conference call.
- Demo new DDM Inventory Database (Chris) - Postponed
- Update on Fall Readiness/Orientation and some FSX/Athena summer updates (Oliver) - 15 minutes exactly
- N42 space requests, inc. need for thunderdome - tabled for next week
- Exchange transition
11:30am, W92-225, CSS Managers
- Meeting canceled due to lack of interest
11:30am, W92-225, CSS Managers
- start doing weekly team updates on goals, etc (teams rotate each week)
- limit Roundtable to 15-20 minutes
- continue working on Role Descriptions
- need to begin roadmaps of products/services we want to de-support
- Rob will coordinate Q4 metrics and Presidents Report, then begin to transition narrative to Pat and Elaine, will keep metrics and analyze
- staff moves to Pat by Monday noon latest (6/22)