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Try using Search. It may be the fastest way to find the information you need.  I've changed how it works on this site. The results of the search appear below the Search box and you can choose the link that best matches your search term. The search looks at both the MIT processes and e-Builder manual. As always, feedback is welcome. - Bob 


About this Site

Use the below tabs to find information about using e-Builder at MIT.

  • User Manual provides instruction in the use of the e-Builder application tailored for MIT's implementation.
  • Project (MIT) Processes details how users should interact with the MIT-specific forms and processes that have been added to e-Builder.
  • Terminology defines the terms used by e-Buillder, and e-Builder users, in the context of the MIT implementation.
  • FAQs is a list of frequently asked questions and the answers. In many cases you will find this to be the quickest way to get an answer.
  • The final tab provides instructions on how you can provide feedback to the MIT e-Builder core team.


Composition Setup
Deck of Cards
labelUser Manual

This space documents the use of e-Builder at MIT for all users of the application.

  • Use the Home Screen link to start on Page 1 of the manual.
  • You can print one or more topics using the Export to PDF option on the Tools menu for this site.
  • Links specific topics in the manual appear below.
labelProject (MIT) Processes

Processes support specific MIT workflows that have been custom built into e-Builder. Much of your work within e-Builder will happen after you receive a notification that a process or workflow requires your review or action.

0.00 Project Initiation (PI)

01.01 Add New Company/Contact

01.02 New User Request and Assignment (NUSER)

01.03 Add Resource to a Project (ADDRE)

02.01 Team Assignment (TA)

2.02 Project Definition Form Creation (PD)

02.03 CRSP Screening Kickoff (CRSPK)

10.01 Project Manager's Project Update (PMU)

RFQ Review (RFQR)

Academic Council

Provost and Deans Committee (Annual review is last step of In Cycle Process)

ActionIn e-Builder, an action is a trigger to complete a step in the workflow.

In e-Builder, an actor is a person that can act on a step. Actors receive notifications via email to login to e-Builder and accept or decline the responsibility to complete that step. Once an actor takes an action the step is considered complete.

Administrative Officer (AO)

Typically for each Department or Lab

As Bid Budget - Competitively bid pricing;.

Reviewed by R-CRSP if it exceeds the Preliminary Budget.

Assistant Dean (AD)

One for each School or Operating Unit/Area (EVP, DSL, etc.)

Building Committee

Reviews Major Capital Projects and recommends approval to Exec. Committee

CCCampus Construction
CC PlannerA planner in the Campus Construction department


Committee for Renovation and Space Planning - Chaired by the Associate Provost. Projects are usually CRSP projects, though some are referred to as non-CRSP projects in which processes may be slightly different.

CommitmentSame as SAP, a commitment is used for e-Builder process 0404 Issue Purchase Order/Issue Contract
ContingencyProject funds set aside that can be used for unforeseen expenses.


Department, Lab or Center


Abbreviation for e-Builder

eB Admin

An administrator of the e-Builder software application working out of the MIT Facilities team


Executive Vice President, responsible for Non-Academic Department Administration

Executive Committee

Committee that approves and funds Major Capital Projects on behalf of the Corporation.


Forms are input screens used to record data or information, usually about projects. The most common form in e-Builder is a Workflow Form, which is within e-Builder Processes

In Cycle Process

CRSP batch review/approval to coincide with annual Institute Budget Cycle (Dec - Apr)

MOUMemorandum of Understanding


Office of Budget and Financial Planning (Budget Office)

OCPOffice of Campus Planning

OCP Assignor

Office of Campus Planning Assignor

Out of Cycle Process

Year round process used except for December to April

PICS - Project Information and Cost System

An MS Access customized database that merges non-financial project information with SAP Financial Information networked on Project Manager's Desktops. PICS will be retired when e-Builder is fully implemented.


Work carried out by Campus Planning and Design

ProcessIn e-Builder, a mechanism to route information based on defined business rules, track communications and ensure accountability for all project participants. 

Proposed Preliminary Budget

First estimate reviewed by R-CRSP, typically based on sketches or SD's


Senior administrative officer.


Renovation Subcommittee of CRSP - Reviews and approves most all planning studies, space changes, space requests and space reassignments. The formal minutes are used to notify the Community of project decisions and to direct the  Budget Office to transfer funds to specific projects


DoF's System Engineering Group

Space Change

All renovation project on campus greater than $10,000 or moving of walls or two or more trades

Space Request

DLC request to permanently or temporarily use space not currently assigned it (*)

Stage 1 Budget

Cost estimate for the conceptual, feasability or initial design work needed for project start.


In e-Builder, the automation of a business process during which documents or other information is passes between project participants for action.

titleFrequently Asked Questions


Toggle Cloak
I've logged into e-Builder but cannot find my project. How can I find it?


If you do not see the project you are looking for in the Project Dropdown or by going to the Projects module (tab) then you are most likely not yet assigned to the project. Contact the Project Manager and ask to be added.

Toggle Cloak
How can I see project details and documents for a project to which I am not assigned?


Use . If you do not have a View Only Mode option you should contact the e-B Admin.

Toggle Cloak
How do I add a user to e-Builder?


To request that a new user be added, please do so in e-Builder, as follows:

  1. Click on the “Processes” tab at the top.

  2. In “Processes for”, start typing the following “99974 - z - e-B User Experience”.  Select this project.

  3. On the right, click on “Start Process”.

  4. Click on “01.02 – New User Request & Assignment (NUSER).

  5. Complete the form.

  6. Click “Submit”

The request will be routed through e-Builder and the new user will be given access. Both you and the new user will be notified when they have been added to the system.

This is the link to the full process documentation:

labelProvide e-Builder Feedback

 The e-Builder Core Team wants your feedback! To provide comments and suggestions:

  • In e-Builder, go to project "99974-z e-B User Experience"
  • In the left column click on Forms
  • Select the "MIT e-Builder Feedback" form
  • Fill in the information
  • Click "Post Form" to submit

Hints and Tips

titleSingle Sign On

No need to remember another password for e-Builder. Use Single Sign On

titleView Only Mode

View projects to which you are not assigned. Use View Only Mode

titleDelegation When You Are Away

Delegate your e-Builder authority while away. Use Delegation

e-Builder News and Enhancements

e-Builder Usage Growing
As of June 16 there are 278 projects in e-Builder.

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e-Builder User Community Home designed and built by RGB Training Group - Robert Brosseau - 508-451-3808