Many MIT Graduate Students don’t realize that the setting of yearly stipend levels, on-campus rents, and student fees at MIT is significantly informed and based on a very important set of data which is collected through a survey only once every four years. This survey is called the Cost of Living.
We are very excited to inform and remind you that the 2011 Cost of Living Survey is now live and waiting for your responses. You can find your unique survey link in an email from Dean Christine Ortiz sent on November 5th, 2011. In addition to helping better represent graduate student expenses, dozens of students will win great prizes like IPads, Toshiba Netbooks, or Amazon Gift cards. Please do take some time to fill out the survey… without it we will have little means of understanding the true costs of graduate student life.
What: Cost of Living Survey
Where: Your link is in an email from Dean Ortiz on November 5th
Why: This is our only method of quantifying the cost of being a graduate student
When: Now!Regards,
Brian Spatocco and Maokai Lin
Housing and Community Affairs, Co-Chairs
Graduate Student Council (GSC)