Early Registration Deadline: Today
The deadline for NECSI Winter School early registration is today, November 7.
The details are below and online:
Jan. 2-6, 2012 / Complex Physical, Biological & Social Systems
Jan. 8, 2012 / Computer Programming and Complex Systems
Jan. 9-13, 2012 / Complex Systems Modeling and Networks
These courses are intended for faculty, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, professionals and others who would like to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of complex systems, and develop methodological tools for conducting research in their respective fields, or as a basis for pursuing complex systems research.
The winter school offers two intensive week-long courses. The courses consist of lectures, discussions, and supervised group projects. Though the second week builds on material covered in the previous week, CX201 is not a prerequisite for CX202. You may register for either or both weeks. If desired, arrangements for credit at a home institution may be made in advance.
See course descriptions online at: