See more information about the problems in Class Notes Lecture 5

Problem 0 - Imaging on Cylinder

Flow is along y-axis

What are the acquired image and the velocity, position, diffusion signatures?

Problem 1 - Periodic

Problem 2 - Chemical Shift

$\sigma = \sigma_{iso} + (\frac{\sigma}{2})(3 cos^{2}\theta -1)- \frac{\delta^{eta}}{4}sin^{2}\theta(e^{i2\phi}+e^{-i2\phi})$




$< \sigma > = \sigma _{iso}$

It average out any non-isometric parts, so we have a homogeneous sample. So the result does not depend on the orientation of the sample.

When η = 0 -> < 3cos(θ)^2 -1 > = 0, average over sphere

Problem 3 - Decoherence

Problem 4 - Carl-Purcell Sequence

Problem 5 - Chemical Exchange

Problem 6 - Slow Exchange

$e^{i\omega_{A}t_{1}}e^{i\omega_{A}t_{2}} , e^{i\omega_{A}t_{1}}e^{i\omega_{B}t_{2}} , e^{i\omega_{B}t_{1}}e^{i\omega_{A}t_{2}} , e^{i\omega_{B}t_{1}}e^{i\omega_{B}t_{2}}$

then do phase cycle and collect data set

$cos(\omega_{A/D}T_{1})e^{i\omega_{A/D}t_{2}} , sin(\omega_{A/D}T_{1})e^{i\omega_{A/D}t_{2}}$

Then we get pure absorptive line-shape