GR2 - Designs

NOTE: In light of the feedback we have received, our GR1 now reflects our focus on the story tourists user group and the tourist guides user group. For a more detailed description as to why, please see our GR1 page. 

Task Analysis

Before coming up with our scenario, we analyzed the needs of the two user groups we were focusing on (the Story Tourists and Tour Guides) and came up with 4 higher level tasks that would be important to our user groups and which needed to be accomplished through our designs:

  1. Find out about events on campus
  2. Facilitate interaction between tour guides and tourists
  3. Facilitate student-tourist interactions
  4. Find out about general stats/frequently asked general questions easily


Alex is a sophomore tour guide at college. He is a current Engineering major who lives in one of the co-ed dorms on campus. Aside from Engineering, he is involved in intramural sports and is an editor for the college newspaper.

Taylor is a junior at public high school. Taylor is curious about what dorm life is in college. He is a potential business major and is curious about Greek life. 

Alex is assigned to be a tour guide to a morning tour group, which includes Taylor. Throughout the tour, Taylor hangs out near the back of the group. At the beginning of the tour, Taylor checks the system for frequently asked general questions about the college and skims the information on Alex (Task 4). Whenever Taylor has a question, he asks it to the system. Alex is able to check the questions asked to the system, and then reply to the group (Task 2).

Halfway through the tour, Taylor notices through the system that the campus is in the middle of Greek Week. Using the system he takes not of the event (Task 1). Taylor find that the tour is lacking in stories about living in one of the dorms he's interested in. He uses the system to look at descriptions of the dorm by other students (Task 3).

At the end of the tour, Taylor provides Alex feedback on the tour through the system (Task 2). He is then able to set up a tour of the dorm he's interested in, with one of the students who had a description in the system. He sees through the system that the student is a business major and plans to ask the student questions about the college's business school and more about the major (Task 3). 

Individual Designs

Individual Designs - Evan Moore

Individual Designs - Tara Krishnan

Individual Designs - Carlo Biedenharn


1. Mobile Design

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2. Map Based Design

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3. Tablet Based Design

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