Live from the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference 2008 (iPhone 2.0 Software and iPhone 3G Device)
The iPhone 2.0 Software and iPhone 3G (hardware) has been announced by Apple at the Apple WWDC on June 9, 2008. IS&T has been working with Apple as part of the iPhone Enterprise Beta Program since March 2008 (under a Non-Disclosure Agreement). The following link provides publicly available information about both the hardware and software that is known to date along with information that relates to the new iPhone and the MIT's IT Infrastructure.
Click here for more information: Detailed Notes from the Apple WWDC 2008

Note: The content below refers to the iPhone 1.0 Software and the first generation iPhone released in 2007. This page will be updated as the detailed information on iPhone 2.0 software and iPhone 3G device becomes available.

This is the home page for the iPhone Release Project Wiki Space. This project is a continuation of the iPhone Evaluation Project that was completed in October, 2007. To see the evaluation results, see

 IS&T will provide limited support for the Apple iPhone beginning in February, 2008. A release announcement will be sent out in early February.

Helpful Links:* Apple's iPhone Website (

JIRA: Issue Tracking
(MIT Certificate Required)

Initial Thoughts (after using the iPhone):


The Apple iPhone was released on June 29, 2007. Anticipating the potential popularity of the iPhone at MIT, IS&T initiated an iPhone Evaluation Project. To see the evaluation results, see

The iPhone Release Project focuses on providing documentation and support strategy for the iPhone for the MIT community. Documentation for the following will be provided (or references to external sites will be made available):

Timeline & Project Plan

The release project is scheduled to begin in October, 2007 and end in January 2007.

The release team meets every other Tuesday at 1 pm in N42-202 during the project.

To view the Project Plan, click here

Meeting Minutes



Known Issues (As of 11/2007)

Apple is expected to release the iPhone SDK in early 2008. Until then, the available software applications for the iPhone is limited by what Apple provides with the device out-of-the-box. Once the SDK is available, we expect that there will be a large number of third-party applications (e.g. SyncML, etc.) that will provide rich functionality for the iPhone users.

Wish List

The following wish list include features that the initial version iPhone does not support. This list will be forwarded to Apple.

Web Development

Apple's iPhone web development page

iPhone web apps

web access to OmniFocus (Mac OS X GTD app)
Telekinesis: remotely access a Mac
WebShell: SSH to a Mac or Linux
MIT Directory - Specially formatted for the iPhone

Project Team

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