Until we find a better way to track these rules, we will track them here.
Rule | Description | Source | Date |
Exempt Allocation Rules | For 12-month appointments, use the Period Amount for each month and for time less than a months use the Period Amount times the amount of days in the month divided by the number of days allocated on Cost Object(Period Amount * Days In Month/Days on Cost Object). For MAP Appointments, divide the Yearly Amount by 9 to calculate the Period Amount. Then use the Period Amount for each month. | Mark Prudden and Gregg McGrath | 4/09/2014 |
Tuition Allocation Rules | To calculate tuition allocation on a cost object, take the total amount of the tuition for the semester, divide it by the number of days in that semester, and multiply that daily Tuition Amount times the number of days in a particular month. So September and November will have the same tuition allocation and be different than October and December, for example. | Mark Prudden and Gregg McGrath | 4/09/2014 |