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Q: Why can't I access my wiki?
• You may not be logged in.
o Directions for logging in via Touchstone
• You may not have the proper permissions to access the space:
o To access a wiki space, you must be a member of the wiki space group. Your Space Administrator may grant you permissions to the space.
Q: How can a find out who my Space Admin is?
• Email
Q: How do I give an individual permission to my wiki space?
• You must be a Space Admin to grant space permissions. Please see
Q: How do I request a particular plug-in and/or macro?
• We evaluate requests on an ongoing basis. Please send your suggest/requests to
Q: How do I request a wiki?
• and click the "Request a Wiki" or "Request a Stellar linked Wiki".
Q: I don't see my wiki on the dashboard?
A: Same answer as for "I can't access my wiki", need to login.
Q: Using the Rich Text Editor, I am having trouble getting things to do what I want. For instance, when I try to move an item in a list and then promote it, it is not being promoted properly.
A: The Rich Text Editor does not always behave. It is useful as a tool to try to do something you may not have done before and may not know how to do in wiki markup language. However, you may find that using the wikis markup will give you more control over how your page behaves.
Q: I use Safari on a Mac, and am having trouble with the Rich Text Editor.
A: (found in wiki guide 3.0) Safari does not work properly with the Rich Text Editor. Try using Firefox if you wish to use the Rich Text Editor, or if you need to use Safari, use Wiki Markup to edit and format your page.
Q: What if I mess something up while editing a page?
A: Wikis makes it really easy to restore a previous version. Go into Tools, Page History. Select the version prior to your problematic edits and click on Restore this version.