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If you have encountered a problem using Wikis or have a comment or question about Wikis, please contact the IS&T Service Desk via email or at 617-253-1101
Wikis 3.4 Release Notes
What's New in this Version
- Upgraded from Confluence 3.3 to Confluence 3.4
Wikis 3.0 Release Notes
What's new in this version:
Logging in is now handled through Touchstone
- Upgraded from Confluence 2.7.3 to Confluence 3.0 (4 versions).
- Performance improvements
- Enhanced support
- Better group management
- New Features
Confluence 3.0 Release Notes from Atlassian
Known Issues
When viewing a Powerpoint or Excel spreadsheet users are being prompted by Firefox to install an add-on. Why?
The add-on is required for a feature of this plugin that we DO NOT support. Firefox is just being helpful.
When going to Stellar from wikis in Safari browsers, users can encounter a certificate error.
This can be fixed by clearing all Stellar-related cookies and restarting the browser.
When using the Rich Text Editor in IE 8, the page refreshes to the top after each autosave.
Confluence does not officially support IE 8 and as a result there are compatibility issues between the two. Users can use a different browser like Firefox when editing with Rich Text or use Wiki Markup when editing in IE 8.