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####### Case Information #######
Restart        = False
InputFile      = ../Grids/rae2822.ebg
BackgroundMesh = ../Grids/box18.grm
SavePrefix     = OUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST
BCFile         = BCFile/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6
FuncFile       = FuncFile/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6
BasisType      = Lagrange
SolutionOrder  = 1
PSequencing    = False

CheckTruthMetricFileRoot = TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST
#CreateTruthMetricFileRoot = TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST

###### NonLinear Solver ######
NonlinearSolver      = Newton
nIter                = 500
NonlinearResidual    = 1e-10
LocalUpdateFraction  = True
UpdateFractionMin    = 1e-1
SaveUpdateFraction   = True
LineSearchFlag       = Equation_l2_4and1

###### Linear Solver ######
Preconditioner         = UMFPACK

###### Temporal Parameters ######
LocalTimeStepping     = True
CFLStart              = 1e-1
CFLMin                = 1e-5
CFLMax                = 1e30
CFLIncreaseFactor     = 2.0
CFLDecreaseFactor     = 10.0
ScalarSourceCFLLimit  = False

###### Discretization Options ######
QuadratureOrder       = -1
SourceDiscretization  = AsymDualConsistent

###### Equation Set Parameters ######
EquationSet         = RANS_SA2d
SutherlandRefTemp   = 1.984126984126985E+01
SutherlandConstant  = 7.605820105820109E+00
SpecificHeatRatio   = 1.4
GasConstant         = 0.4
PrandtlNumber       = 0.71
FluxType            = Roe
Viscosity           = 1.538461538461538e-07
TurbulenceModel     = SA
RansSourceDisc      = AsymDualConsistent
SADCTermFlux        = LaxFriedrichs
ViscEtaParameter    = 6.000000
SA_ct3              = 0.0
SA_ct4              = 0.0
SA_chi_max_NDF      = 400.0
ConstantViscosity   = False
InitState           = 1.0000001 9.9918737E-01 4.0306184E-02 2.03412698E+01 5.0

###### Output Parameters ######
Verbosity      = Verbose
LinearSolverVerbosity = Normal
WriteInterval  = 0

######## Adjoint #############
Adjoint = Drag
InitAdjState = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

####### ErrEst Parameters #######
nSmoothIter           = 10
nAdjointSmoothIter    = 10
CFLSmoothStart        = 1.0
PatchReconstructionH1 = False
NonlinearSmoother          = Newton
SolvePrimalTruthSurrogate  = False
SolveAdjointTruthSurrogate = True
NonlinearSmootherResidual  = 1e-6
AdjointSmootherResidual    = 1e-6

##### Adaptation specific #####
AdaptIter            = 2
AdaptSpace           = hp
AdaptMethod          = FixedFraction
OutputAdapted        = Drag
Hessian_ScalarType   = -1
Hessian_RefSpace     = False
Mesher               = Bamg

AnisotropyMethod = Hessian
MaxAnisotropy   = 500

TargetDofIncreaseFactor = 1.25;

MaxCoarseHFactor = 3.0
MaxRefineHFactor = 3.0

#### Bamg ########
BamgRatio = 6.0
NbSmooth = 250
MaxVertices = 5000000

###### CUT-CELL ######
nBasis1D = 20
nBasis2D = 10
MoveToCanonical = True
MergeFlag       = True
CriticalMinVR   = 1.0e-02
RemoveDoubleSplineFace = True

##### Geometric Adaptation #####
GeomAdapt_Iter    = 50
GeomAdapt_MaxElem = 400
GeomAdapt_Factor  = 0.3

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