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More recent stuff on funding of marine protected areas: 
Trying to find other research projects in the oceans and how they were funded...

Also trying to find ways to gain revenue from the MPA itself... 

On this note I was looking through some scientific journal web pages and found that there are associations for various fields in science. (sorry if this is common knowledge because it seems like a possible new angle for both education and funding) The example I found was of applied  geoscience. Now what I propose is to follow similar guidlines as this association has in place. I took this off their "about the organization" web page:

Founded in 1970, the Association of Applied Geochemists is an international organisation specialising in the field of applied geochemistry whose purpose is to:

  • Advance the science of geochemistry as it relates to exploration and the environment
  • Further the common interests of exploration geochemists
  • Facilitate the acquisition and distribution of scientific knowledge
  • Promote exchange of information
  • Encourage research and development
  • Advance the status of the profession
  • Sponsor symposia, seminars and technical meetings

To achieve these goals, the Association of Applied Geochemists:

  • published the Journal of Geochemical Exploration from 1972 until 2000, and currently publishesGEOCHEMISTRY: Exploration, Environment, Analysis starting in 2001
  • publishes quarterly a newsletter, EXPLORE
  • publishes in a digital format a bibliography of geochemically oriented papers, now available to AAG Members on the ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED GEOCHEMISTS web page
  • holds biennial International Geochemical Exploration Symposia with associated field trips
  • holds regional meetings of specialised interest and co-sponsors meetings with other scientific societies
  • organises workshops and short courses
  • supports a student paper prize
  • supports a distinguished lecture series

Creating an organization that would foster research and gain revenue from journal subscriptions and membership fees (this example has $100.00 dues each year this includes journal subscription) seems like a great way to not only promote education which we feel is essential but also to  get started in funding further research or implementation devices such as MPA to try to attain sustainable fisheries.

This is where I found information on the example I think we could model a new organization off of:\\

Some time in the past: 

Okay so I was doing some perusing of Barton and I found this very nice online edition of an article. Here is the address to take you to the run down on the article:*&request_op=AND&find_code=WRD&request=habitat&request_op=AND&find_code=WRD&request=cod&adjacent=N&filter_code_2=WYR&filter_request_2=&local_base=MIT01PUB&filter_code_4=WLB&filter_request_4=&filter_code_3=WYR&filter_request_3=&filter_code_1=WLG&filter_request_1=&filter_code_5=WCL&filter_request_5=&Search=Search

(there is an online version of the article which is nice) 

any way I was looking over this very long article in adobe reader and at the table of contents I saw that there was geographical distribution portion on page 10 of the pdf file. So I went there and found some very nice break downs of where Atlantic cod is located at various developmental stages.  Well I couldn't remember how to add it as a resource to that online resource database that I don't remember the name of so if someone would like to help me out here...  I mean it would be beneficial to all especially whoever else is working on reserve location with me...

 oh and here is the citation Barton gives:

Essential fish habitat source document. Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, life history and habitat characteristics [microform] / Michael P. Fahay ... [et al.].    Woods Hole, Mass. (166 Water St., Woods Hole 02543-1026) :   U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Region, Northeast Fisheries Science Center,   [1999]
Lindgren Library - Microforms |  FICHE C 55.13/2:NMFS-NE-124

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