E-Book Collection Sets and Monographic Series
The cataloging of e-book collection sets and monographic series is overseen by Jennifer Edwards and Daniel Saulean. If you have any questions about a particular package, please check the link below to see who is responsible for it, or email catprob@mit.edu.
A summary of the current cataloging status of collection sets and monographic series is available at: http://libguides.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/content.php?pid=270096&sid=2247386http://libguides.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/aecontent.php?pid=220791&sid=2232231
Detailed information about each title, including description, source, records, and cataloging can be found by clicking on a title listed below:
- AAPG datapages / American Association of Petroleum Geologists
- ACLS occasional paper / American Council of Learned Societies
- ACM digital library conference proceedings / Association of Computing Machinery
- ACS symposium series / American Chemical Society
- Adelphi papers
- AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics
- American song
- Annals of the ICRP / International Commission on Radiological Protection
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series
- Books 24x7
- Building issues
- Classical scores library
- CQ Press. Political Reference Suite
- EAS publications series / European Astronomical Society
- Early English Books Online (EEBO)
- ebrary
- Eighteenth Century Collection Online (ECCO)
- Econometric Society monographs
- Elsevier e-books
- Engineering geology special publications / Geological Society of London
- Federal Reserve Bank of Boston working papers
- Gale Virtual Reference Library
- Geological Society of America field guides
- Geological Society of America memoirs
- Geological Society of America special papers
- Geological Society of London memoirs
- Geological Society of London special publications
- Handbook of statistics
- Handbooks in economics online
- Human Rights Watch
- IAEA publications / International Atomic Energy Agency
- IEEE Xplore conference proceedings
- IEEE-Wiley eBooks
- IFPRI research monograph / International Food Policy Research Institute
- International Monetary Fund publications
- Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs
- Knovel
- Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France
- MIT Press Ebooks
- MRS Online Proceedings Library
- National Academies Press
- NBER working papers
- National Bureau of Standards monographs
- NetLibrary
- Nuclear physics B, Proceedings supplements
- OECD iLibrary
- Oxford Reference Online
- Oxford Scholarship Online. Neuroscience collection
- Oxford Scholarship Online. Philosophy collection
- Past Masters
- Petroleum geology conference series / Geological Society of London
- Physica status solidi C
- Progress in brain research
- RAND Corporation publications
- Reviews in engineering geology / Geological Society of America
- Safari Technical Books Online. O'Reilly only
- SEG e-Books Collection / Society for Exploration Geophysicists
- SIAM e-Books / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- SPIE conference proceedings
- SPIE e-Books
- Springer e-Books
- Springer protocols
- Stat!Ref
- Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science
- Women Writers Online
- World Bank eLibrary
- World Scientific Publishing. Chemistry collection
Information about individual monographic series within the Springer e-Books Collection can be found here:
- Advances in biochemical engineering / biotechnology
- Handbook of environmental chemistry
- Handbook of environmental engineering
- IFIP advances in information and communication technology
- Lecture notes in computer science
- Lecture notes in control and information sciences
- Lecture notes in earth sciences
- Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems
- Lecture notes in mathematics
- Lecture notes in physics
- Lecture notes in physics. Monographs
- Molecular sieves
- NATO science for peace and security series. Series A: Chemistry and biology
- NATO science for peace and security series. Series B: Physics and biophysics
- NATO science for peace and security series. Series C: Environmental security
- Progress in colloid and polymer science
- Springer series in optical sciences
- Springer tracts in advanced robotics
- Structure and bonding
- Studies in computational intelligence
- Studies in fuzziness and soft computing
- Subcellular biochemistry
- Topics in applied physics
- Topics in current chemistry
- Topics in heterocyclic chemistry
- Topics in organometallic chemistry
- Understanding complex systems
Cataloging / Processing Notes
1. Search http://collectionsets.oclc.org/JustLooking?cmd=displayElectronicSets to determine if the purchased set is available via OCLC WorldCat Collection Sets. If so, it would be much more efficient to order the set from OCLC and then import the bibliographical records using our loader into Aleph. (See New eBook Loader Notes for more details about what the loader can do.) After a collection set has been ordered from OCLC, any corrections to bibs should be sent to orders@oclc.edu.
2. If the set is not available via OCLC, please review "Principles and questions about cataloging and records for selectors when talking to ebook vendors" when purchasing a new collection set.
3. Collection sets listed below are the ones currently being maintained by cataloging staff, in addition to those included on the "URLs on print resources: what to do and when to do it" page. (Cataloging staff need to be notified when a print subscription is cancelled, but the e-versions of titles need to continue to be added to Barton.)