Issue: In current Navgrid, Users can click on COs that they do not have access to. The app errors out (spinny stays spinning and breadcrumbs doesn't render)
- Wait for data fix that will return them correctly - Is Amon fixing this in this release?
- Handle the error and make spinny stop and replace with message
- Both.
There is a check on the click handler in the NavGridCtrl to look at the isRestricted value and if it's set to 1 it doesn't make the request for the CO
if (!item || item.isRestricted == "1") {
The problem is that these items are set to zero not 1 (see below):
- data: [
Unknown macro: {objectId},…]## 0:Unknown macro: {objectId}### hasAlerts: "0"
- hierarchy: "my_raft"
- isFavorite: "0"
- isRestricted: "0"
- isShared: "0"
- isleaf: "0"
- level: "1"
- objectId: "KDOODY-1224768478-001"
- objectTitle: "Can V2.3 Static Test"
- objectType: "WORKSET"
- parentObjectId: "my_raft"
- sorting: "0"
- 1:
Unknown macro: {objectId}### hasAlerts: "0"
- hierarchy: "my_raft"
- isFavorite: "0"
- isRestricted: "0"
- isShared: "0"
- isleaf: "1"
- level: "2"
- objectId: "C1330102-001"
- objectTitle: "C1330102: Other Income Permissions"
- objectType: "COSTOB"
- parentObjectId: "KDOODY-1224768478-001"
- sorting: "1"
- 2:
Unknown macro: {objectId}
- meta:
Unknown macro: {statusCode}
Issue: The first time you click on a CO link (in NavGrid or in table) an error is thrown from the BreadCrumbsCtrl. After first error, it works fine