The ACES clusters stands for Alliance for Computational Earth Science (ACES) ad I got access from [greg] by emailing him, and he provided access within 24 hours. This came with an email from the grid system itself with a link to their website with lots of useful information. This includes the times for office hours (Tuesdays from 11:30-1:30) and a list of software.
Their website has some useful information, although it's not perfect. If you have any specific questions, you might find it there.
I'll just summarize a few things I am aware of.
Because we don't have our own Alm lab storage and back-up system, you are only allowed to have access to 1GB on your home drive. Although I think there is quite a lot of memory available on a scratch drive, but it is for short term storage and will be deleted automatically. So this might be a good option when you want to do something which requires a lot of computational power to finish processing something, then you can move it off and store else where. Look at the webpage for specifics.
I was specifically looking for a new way to use Matlab since I was using it on beagle but that went down. This is how to get matlab working with Aces
However, when I tried to log into it didn't let me. I was able to use matlab without the X11 interface by following the first options:
qsub -I -l nodes=1
module add matlab
And I imagine that if you wanted to do something else interactively, that the qsub command above would also work.
You can also get qiime to work, using the qsub command above to get interactive computing and use:
module add qiime
I have yet to get it to work, but at least I loaded it.
So I was able to make my own directory in /data/ and /scratch/, but it didn't exist before I made it:
mkdir /scratch/spacocha
mkdir /data/spacocha
I'm able to write to that folder, so I think it should work fine.
File transfer
Although I can make the /scratch/spacocha folder, I can't scp to it. Instead, I can scp big files, like fastq files, to /data/spacocha/ just fine.
In summary, this cluster might be good for a few specific tasks, but it's not good for long term storage, and it's geared towards the earth science crowd and modeling ocean circulation etc. It might have some functional capabilities that you could use (i.e. Matlab), but be careful not to leave data on their scratch because it will be deleted.