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Recently Updated
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The Reporting and Forecasting Tool (RAFT) shows Institute Fiscal Officers what has been charged to their Cost Objects and forecasts changes to those charges based on changes in their base budget. We have deployed and are updating RAFT Phase III. The live application, is located at https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/.
Release Notes
Request List (Bugs/Features)
Below is the list of current RAFT 3 pilot bugs. To add new ones, please go to Jira Bug List for RAFT3
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Learn and Contribute
- We are building white papers in How Is RAFT Made?. We welcome your wiki comments there.
- Please direct questions about the RAFT project or for support to raft-support@mit.edu.
- You can see details for specific RAFT development teams here.