TrueVote GR5: Implementation
Website URL:
Please note that you will need to create a new login each time you make it through a full audit. Our population is only allowed to audit the ballots they are given and no more; the website reflects this limitation.
This page has been designed for and tested in Chrome.
Individual Contributions:
In GR4, all team-members contributed to most aspects of the website, adjusting at least something small on every page. Moving into GR5, we decided on the look of each page as a team and then divided the implementation. The front-end required a lot of changes from GR4 to GR5 based on the feedback we received. Implementation was divided as follows:
- Building the database necessary for all the back-end work
- Formatting the main auditing page and tying this to the database
- Formatting the fix mistake page and tying this to the database
- Organizing the code from GR4, splitting it into separate .css, .js, .html, etc. files
- Formatting the login and welcome pages
- All of the miscellaneous little tasks (formatting modals, headers, and buttons, etc.)
- Tying the results page to the database to update dynamically
- Formatting the results page
- Writing the draft of this wiki
- Creating a tutorial for the main auditing page
- Creating a tutorial for the fix mistake menu
- FIx screen resizing problems