Our application is intended to help housing managers view and organize repair requests. A housing manager would use this to organize, assign, and keep record of repair jobs submitted through the MIT Fixit web application.
For best results use Chrome version 26 on a mac with OS X.
Go to: http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/mit_fixit/src/index.html
You are logged in as Michael McIntyre, the MIT McCormick Hall house manager.
You may:
- View a list of jobs.
- View detailed information on specific jobs.
- Star a particular job.
- Assign a worker to a specific job.
- Add updates to a specific job.
- Search jobs by name/content.
- View and search address book.
- Use left-hand tabs for filtering jobs.
You may not (yet):
- Add new jobs.
- Receive notifications for job updates.
- Add new contacts to the address book.
- Be redirected to another website, an email client, or a phone client by clicking on contacts in the address book.