- Follow the instructions at http://gumstix.org/basic-cross-compilation.html to make uImage and kernel modules. Use the attached defconfig file instead of the one mentioned in the instructions.
- Download x-loader and u-boot from http://feeds.sakoman.com/feeds/gnome-r13/images/
- Follow the instructions at http://gobysoft.com/wiki/InstallOnGumstixOvero to build the root filesystem. Use the attached emdebian.conf file.
- If you've prepared the rootfs before then all you need to change for a new kayak is the hostname in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts as well as the ip configuration settings.
- Use the instructions at http://gumstix.org/create-a-bootable-microsd-card.html to prepare the SD card and copy the MLO and u-boot. The kernel image we built can be found in linux/arch/arm/boot.
openssh-server can only be installed when booting on actual hardware
sudo aptitude install libncurses5-dev python-dev cmake-curses-gui libboost-all-dev minicom subversion bzr
install distcc using instructions at gobysoft
build moos with disable names lookup, turn on console tools
build ivp without gui apps and build shared libs
build goby with common, acomms, util
usermod -a -G dialout josh
add /sbin/ to path in .basrhc
[General] arch=armel directory=~/gumstix/rootfs noauth=true unpack=true debootstrap=Grip Networking Debian Misc aptsources=Grip Debian [Grip] packages=locales udev adduser sudo nano build-essential less module-init-tools source=http://www.emdebian.org/grip keyring=emdebian-archive-keyring components=main dev suite=stable [Misc] packages=wget aptitude psmisc screen source=http://www.emdebian.org/grip keyring=emdebian-archive-keyring components=main dev suite=stable [Networking] packages=netbase ifupdown iproute net-tools iputils-ping ntp isc-dhcp-client source=http://www.emdebian.org/grip keyring=emdebian-archive-keyring suite=stable [Debian] packages= source=http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/debian keyring=debian-archive-keyring suite=stable #openssh-server after first boot#libncurses5-dev python-dev cmake-curses-gui libboost-all-dev minicom subversion bzr #moos & moos-ivp #goby <- zmq #moos-ivp-anrp #modify path