GR3: Paper Prototyping
Project: Pitch Perfect
Prototype Photos
Prototype 1 |
Description |
This is an overview of the home page. |
The feed is on a transparency because it is supposed to be interactive and change if the user made a recording or comments. Recordings in the feed are links that will take the user directly to the recording. |
The site is navigated by using the drop-down menu which would appear when pressing the arrow next to the user name. The "1" next to Inbox will appear if there are messages and will go away once the user visits the inbox. |
This sheet is the backdrop for both "Sing" and "Members" pages. As you can see, most of the prototype involved transparencies and moving parts. |
This is the "Sing" section. The Practice and Comments are tabs. Under Practice, the user can check off certain options for recording/playback. |
This is still within the "Sing" section, but the user has selected the Comments tab. The user can respond to the comment by pressing the mail icon next. |
This is the Member Directory. The bar on the left side indicates which user is currently selected. A user profile consists of links to that user's recordings. |
This is the Inbox. New messages are marked in red on the side bar. There should be a tab on the side that will indicate which conversation is currently opened. |
Scenario Tasks
Task 1
Go to the Song section and make a recording of the song "Good Riddance". For the options on that page, please set the metronome to 110 and have additional voice parts in the background. You may sing for as long as you would like. After recording your singing, please save your recording as "Super Solo".
Task 2
Go listen to Ben Recording 1. Make on comment on his recording. You can write whatever message you like.
Task 3
Take a look to see if you have any comments on your recording "Super Solo" and take any extra actions needed.
Extra Task
Oh, you got a message! Read the message in your inbox and respond if necessary.
Prototype Iteration
Prototype 2 |
Description |
The drop-down menu was very confusing for the first group of testers, so we decided to replace it by placing the menu in the top bar instead. When users went to "My Songs", they would be taken to a page where they could select songs. However, the Practice side-bar would be present even if no song was selected. We removed the side bar when the user first goes to their songs because users were confused by having the Metronome and other options when there was no sheet music yet. |
Originally to leave a comment, the user would have to press the "Add a comment" button at top. We changed this so that users could just leave a comment at the bottom of the comment tab (makes it more like gchat). This seemed more efficient than using a pop-up to leave a comment. |
In the first prototype, if the user pressed the mail button in the member directory, he would be taken to the inbox page. However, we decided to make a popup that would appear instead so that the user does not get taken to another page when sending a message. WHY IS THIS A GOOD CHANGE? |