For our second design, we wanted to stretch our design imaginations and design for an extreme user. We chose the illiterate or semi-literate as a target user group. The goal of this design was to make a simple and intuitive interface. Our focus was creating informative visual depictions to guide the user through the event creation process.
The landing page for the user is the event creation page. We used the dominoes online ordering site as inspiration for this page. Some features of the page include:
- An animated visual representation of the current event, with changes drawn in real time to provide immediate visual feedback to the user
- a banner will display the user's charity or cause
- a crowd of people will represent the relative size of the event (the crowd will expand as the user slides the size up)
- A gallery of icons, arranged in an intuitive hierarchy will represent the theme of the event
- general theme categories are visible at first, such as sports, food, education, animals, etc.
- clicking on one of these icons will repopulate the gallery with more specific icons in this category
- i.e. clicking on the sports icon will repopulate the gallery with icons for each specific sport
- A calendar will let the user select the date range for the event
- A map will let the user choose the event location
Upon filling out the event creation page and clicking a button with the affordability of "continue" or "finish," the user will be led to a results page. This page will post the recommended businesses in a similar format to a slideshow. The currently selected business profile will have a large image in the middle of the screen with relevant information about the business. The other results will appear as a row of smaller icons in a row underneath the large image. These will be easily scrollable, and large enough to give a visible preview.