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GR1 - Task Analysis

Problem Statement

There are elements of the online shopping experience missing for elderly people, which can hinder their purchasing efficiency. Currently, elderly people either purchase items in-store, online, or using some combination of the two. Shopping online loses the personal touch of in-store shopping, but in-store shopping is less convenient and expedient than shopping online. Some elderly people find it difficult to contact customer service representatives, others have trouble efficiently purchasing items repeatedly, and still others have trouble reading text.

Observations and Interviews


How do you shop?

What do you usually buy?

Internet Shopping


Font size?

Photos of products?

Blend together?


What is most important?

Keep track of things you order?

Interviewee 1

Doesn't like to shop. Focus on what is necessary and finish as soon as possible

Groceries, every week 
Clothes, once a month

Amazon, Netflix, Juice+, drugstore, B&N, Puritan Pride, Mikasa 

Finds internet shopping a fairly painless process

Not very important, already knows what to buy

Not an issue, fine vision

Not too helpful, already knows what to get

Uses search engines to search for products rather than search the online outlet itself

A consideration, but will pay what is necessary to get what is needed


Print out order form

Interviewee 2 

Mostly at retail stores, not much online. If online, usually Amazon. Usually uses internet for information, rather than purchase

Shop out of need. Shorts, socks. 
Golf stuff at the club or retail store


Looks at reviews occasionally

Not an issue, though ability to enlarge images was useful


Searches websites directly or uses Bing/Google

Not a big factor, will pay what is needed

Ability to converse with customer service about a potential purchase


Interviewee 3

Retail stores mostly. Little online shopping

Groceries, clothes, gifts

Amazon, Netflix


Wishes fonts were more readable on shopping websites


Combination of search engines and searching online stores

Considered, but will pay for essentials

Finding what he wants easily

Write it down

User Classes

  1. Elderly people who have a repetitive shopping routine
  2. Elderly people who like to research before purchasing
  3. Elderly people with poor vision
  4. Elderly people who struggle carrying groceries

Needs and Goals


Purchase Already-Researched Item

Research and Purchase an Item

Purchase an already purchased item

Goal descriptions

Find an item user is familiar with

Search for an item

Find previously bought item and buy it again


Search for item, purchase

Find description, reviews, availability, purchase

Find previously bought item somehow, navigate to purchase page, purchase









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