Design 1
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this is the login screen. Ms. Frizzle log in with her user name and password. |
The tab menu allows Ms. Frizzle to pick a what activity she would like to perform |
when she clicks on forms , she will see two links. The first for creating a new form, and the |
upon clicking she will be able to upload a PDF of the permission slip. |
Arnold's mom log in to ConnectEd with her user name and password. |
She can change between her kids in the drop down list at the left top corner. |
She now sees a PDF that she can either print and sign, and give to Arnold to bring to school, |
Design 2
Sketch |
Explanation |
Design 3 - super efficient
Sketch |
Explanation |
Ms. Fizzle log in to ConnectEd, she sees 3 icons that will lead her to different activities. |