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Sketch 1 |

Summary of Sketch 1:
Using Dropbox as an inspiration, this design allows asynchronous importing of multiple albums. Users can input album and song details while uploading music, filling in details for an album (the zip file) fills in the details for the songs automatically. Uploads can always be cancelled and previewed before adding to the playback library. |
Sketch 2 |
- This is the second preliminary design sketch that is a bit more uncluttered and gives more space for displaying information
- Users can still drag and drop zip files (scan did not show up clearly but there are letter "Drag and Drop to Add" printed on the background of the interface)
- Two panels at the side display the "Top Played Tracks" for a given week, and a "Search" interface for navigating the library
- Tabs at the top allow the user to create different "sessions", essentially a different view of the library. Each session can have a separate import queue
- Tabs at the side divide the music tracks by genre, since music directors are divided by genre, they hardly concern themselves with other genres
- Albums imported within the current session are shown with "album cover flow" format: album art, genre tags, artist name, album name and the full track listing
- Albums imported from previous sessions are simply displayed in a list format
Sketch 3 |
- This is the "stretch" design that is designed for tiny screen interfaces, here I have chosen a specific mobile touchscreen interface
- Drag and drop is implausible, so the home screen interface simply asks for a file url
- 4 icons displayed at the bottom which allows the users to navigate to: Library, Imported (list of tracks imported in this session), Playlist (list of songs currently playing on the mobile device), and CMJ List (list of top played tracks for the week)
- Library contains tabbed content by genre, with a button at the side to allow adding the song to the current playlist
- Imported section uses "album cover flow" format
- Playlist shows a list of songs queued for playback on the mobile device, with a button to navigate to the "Now Playing" interface
- Now Playing shows the current song playing along with playback options, volume control, song progress, and song details
- CMJ List interface shows the top played tracks in the current library