Who we are
- Delian Asparouhov
- Akash Badshah
- Ryan Lau
Problem Statement
Professionals who are responsible for the relationship between their client and their business need to keep regular contact with their clients in order to make sure their needs are being attended to. Specifically, these relationships differ from personal ones in that oftentimes no personal contact is involved, yet regular contact is necessary to remain at the top of the client's mind and to keep their business in good standing. In addition, the kinds of interactions might be very different: a person might like a photo for personal reasons simply because they like it, but they would like a photo for professional reasons to remind the client
This is challenging when professionals have hundreds of different clients, with whom they can communicate in a variety of different ways.
Social media has made it easier to have quick but highly visible interactions with these clients (ie liking a post or retweeting) which save the professional time and maintain the level of contact required in these relationships. However, they have introduced another level of complexity by requiring these professionals to stay on top of a variety of different networks and all of their contacts therein.
Professionals have to manage online relationships with hundreds of clients and customers, who each may have one or many social media presences. Currently, there is no easy way for them to look at all this data about a specific client in one place, or their different communications with that client.
Modern tools require the professional to visit many different websites in order to get a complete picture of the client and their relationship. This is particularly difficult when dealing with a new client, from whom new information needs to be found, or a client who has not been active in the recent past.