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Whenever I try to build my application, I get a permGen error.
- From within MyEclipse, open either the Package Explorer or Navigator view.
- Right click on the project that you are trying to build.
- From the newly displayed list, select either Run As or Debug As.
- From the newly displayed list, select Run Configurations... or Debug Configurations....
- In the popup Run Configuations or Debug Configurations window, from the left hand panel, under Maven Build, select the configuration that you are using to build your application.
- In the right hand panel, select the JRE tab.
- In the right hand panel, under VM arguments, enter the following:
-Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
My build fails whenever MyEclipse tries to deploy my application to my OC4J application server.
- see OC4J Quick Tips