The TUM School of Management at the Technische Universität München (TUM) has several open positions for
PhD students/postdocs in Operations and Supply Chain Management
The Area of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the TUM School of Management analyses, models and optimizes decision problems occurring in the design and operation of manufacturing and service systems,including logistics and supply chains. With an emphasis on providing decision support for real-world problems, operations research and management sciencetechniques are being applied and improved. Within the Area, the positions are attached to the Production & Supply Chain Management and the OperationsManagement & Technology groups. For more information on these groups, please visit
The candidates are expected to start as soon as possible but no later then Summer 2013. Salary is depending on experience, based on the German civil servant pay scale E13 TV-L (between 66% and 100% positions).
Job description:
Most of the on-going research applies quantitative operations management methods to a variety of industries (notably food, pharmaceuticals, automotive, and electronics). We are aiming to bridge between technology and management, investigating, for example, the introduction of new products and manufacturing technologies from an operations perspective. These technological developments normally affect the way production is planned and scheduled, but often also change the way production systems and supply chains are designed. Our research aims to support these processes and as such contributes to high-quality, efficient, and sustainable operations. For additional inspiration on topics relevant to the research groups in question, please see the publication lists of the group leaders: Martin Grunow, Professor in Production and Supply Chain Management, and Renzo Akkerman, Professor inOperations Management and Technology (see Next to your research project, you will also be expected to contribute to the educational programme of the TUM School of Management.
For PhD students, we are looking for candidates with master’s degrees in Operations Management, Operations Research, Industrial Engineering, or related fields. For postdocs, a PhD degree in those fields is required. Candidates who are close to completion of the relevant degree will also be considered.
An application should consist of the following documents:
- Application letter, detailing why you are pursuing this position at TUM
- Curriculum Vitae, including list of publications
- Transcripts and grade lists from your degrees
- A research proposal of max. 3 pages
- Co-authored publications, if available
- For postdoc positions: summary of PhD thesis (max. 1 page)
Your application package can be sent digitally to, using ‘OSCM position 2013’ as subject for the mail message.