We have pleasure in inviting you to participate in the International Forum – Contest of students and young researchers ‘The Topical Issues of Mineral Resources Management’ which is held at the National Mineral Resources University (Mining University) on April 24-26, 2013.
The following forum workshops will be organized according to research areas:
1. Geology
2. Exploration and development of oil and gas fields
3. Mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
4. Geodesy, geomechanics and underground construction
5. Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
6. Metallurgy. Physical and chemical regularities of technological processes 7. Economics and management
8. Environmental engineering
9. Nanotechnologies and information technologies.
The working languages of the Forum are Russian and English.
To participate in the Forum you are to send a registration form to the Organizing Committee until the deadline of March 01st, 2013. In case of delay the Organizing Committee does not guarantee preparation of an official invitation letter which is necessary for receiving a visa.
The papers submitted on time will be published. The deadline for paper submission is March 01st, 2013.
Layout of the paper: volume – up to 4 pages; font type - Times New Roman, font size 12 normal, line spacing – 1.5; A4 composition size.
The paper has to be preceded with the surname, first name, second name (patronymics) of the author(s) and a full title of the educational institution.
For the purpose of providing translation at forum workshops your Power Point presentations have to be submitted to the Organizing Committee by e-mail until April 01st, 2013.
Address of the National Mineral Resources University (Mining University): 2, 21st Line, St. Petersburg, Russia, 199106
Fax/Phone: +7 (812) 328-82-48
RECTOR, Professor, Vladimir S. Litvinenko