Information on installing required software on personal computers or virtual machines. Setup for vehicles is different.
1) Install dependency packages assuming ubuntu derivative.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential freeglut3-dev libboost-all-dev xterm libtiff-dev libpng-dev libgsl0-dev subversion bzr cmake-curses-gui
2) Download MOOS-IvP from Currently we are using the 12.11 beta.
cd ~/ svn co moos-ivp
3) Build MOOS by running ccmake followed by make in each of the following directories. The listed settings should be used when running cmake.
4) Build MOOS-IvP using the same steps in the directory moos-ivp/ivp/src
5) Download and install goby
cd ~/ bzr co lp:goby cd goby sudo ./DEPENDENCIES ubuntu
Finally run ccmake with the following settings followed by make.
6) Download and build hovergroup svn