under development ...
The Quartic Poly case involves... a heat source being applied to a vortex flow around a circular annulus of radius r = [ 1 , 2 ]. The numerical heat flux at the inner boundary is checked with the analytical heat flux at the inner boundary to a specified tolerance. All boundaries are set to a thermal condition which is a function of r and θ. The applied heat source is also a function of r and θ, and the initial condition is set to 1.
Temperature Distribution:
Solver Parameters:
- Equation Set: Scalar 2D
- Nonlinear Solver: Newton
- Basis Type: Hierarchical
- Initial/Max CFL: 1030
- Target residual: 10-11
- Preconditioning:
- Type: ILU (Left)
- Reordering: MDF
- Outer GMRES iterations (# restarts): 20
- Inner GMRES iterations (# Krylov vectors): 200
Tested Outputs
- L2 error (compared to an exact solution function)
- Numerical heat flux on inner boundary
- Exact heat flux error on inner boundary
- L∞ of the exact heat flux error
Flow Conditions:
- Vortex Flow
- Boundary Condition:
- Heat Source:
- Non-dimensional viscosity:
Case Details