We invite applications for one full-time, tenure-track faculty appointment at the assistant or associate professor level to begin September 2013. Applicants should hold an earned Ph.D. or be near completion of their doctoral studies with demonstrated research potential in healthcare engineering and strong methodological background in industrial engineering, operations research or analytics. Industrial experience is desirable; a strong commitment to rigorous and relevant research is essential.
The Department offers an undergraduate program, a Ph.D. program, a full-time professional master’s degree in analytics and a part-time professional master’s degree in engineering management. Both the undergraduate and graduate programs have been consistently ranked among the top ten by US News & World Report.
Applications must be submitted electronically to
Materials to be uploaded include a cover letter and a curriculum vitae detailing educational background, research and work experience. Applicants at the assistant professor level should also include a statement of their current and future research program. Candidates should also provide letters of recommendation from three references to be mailed or e-mailed directly to the address below. To receive full consideration, all materials should be received by December 31, 2012, but earlier application is encouraged.
Chair, Faculty Recruiting Committee | Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences | Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road, Room C210 | Evanston, IL 60208-3119