Download stable kernel, x-load, and u-boot from
Follow instructions here:
openssh-server can only be installed when booting on actual hardware
sudo aptitude install libncurses5-dev python-dev cmake-curses-gui libboost-all-dev minicom subversion bzr
[General] arch=armel directory=~/gumstix/rootfs noauth=true unpack=true debootstrap=Grip Networking Debian Misc aptsources=Grip Debian [Grip] packages=locales udev adduser sudo nano build-essential less module-init-tools source= keyring=emdebian-archive-keyring components=main dev suite=stable [Misc] packages=wget aptitude psmisc source= keyring=emdebian-archive-keyring components=main dev suite=stable [Networking] packages=netbase ifupdown iproute net-tools iputils-ping ntp isc-dhcp-client source= keyring=emdebian-archive-keyring suite=stable [Debian] packages= source= keyring=debian-archive-keyring suite=stable #openssh-server after first boot#libncurses5-dev python-dev cmake-curses-gui libboost-all-dev minicom subversion bzr #moos & moos-ivp #goby <- zmq #moos-ivp-anrp #modify path