JavaScript Scopes
- window
- io
- app
- user
- comments
- worksets
- workset
- search
- costobject
- person
- scenario
- model
- comment
- costobject
- scenario
- pickList
- preference
- people
- worksest
- grids
- forecasting
- worksets
- objList
- tracking
- cost_object_status
- search
- dwsearch
- glList
- slickGrids
- authGrid
- forecastingGrid
- summaryGrid
- trackingGrid
- wsPeopleCoGrid
- myWSgrid
- dialogs
- picklists
- router
- io
- private application scope
The majority of the application is contained within an immediately invoked function expression [aka IIFE]. The IIFE is in place without using the _module pattern which could expose some of the IIFE globally if that was needed.
The MIT and APP globals are defined outside of the IIFE and are used directly from within the IIFE.
Inside the main IIFE
Internal Scope
Internal Functions
App Lifecycle
The IIFE Main() function is called via a method call that is chained to the IIFE. The call to Main() starts up the application.