These steps start out with matching. Before we get to that point, there are some steps we run with every loader (like move 001->035, 949 expansion, convert MARC to Aleph Seq. formatting, etc...).
Following are the steps that are particular to the e-book loader:
The script will have multiple configuration options.
--config parameter
--Match Only (with generic URL fix routine)
--Match and Load (with generic URL fix routine)
--Match Only (with special fix routine)
--Match and Load (with special fix routine)
PRE-1. Run a fix routine, which may be provider-specific via the config file.
Generic fix handles 856 $$z
Specific fixes may strip out other providers' URLs or do
other desired record clean up.
1. Match incoming 035 $$a to existing 035 $$a and 776 $w. p_manage_36 OCC index. Report Aleph match result counts.
A. Match.
i. Compare incoming/existing 856 $u. (new script required)
ii. If 856 $u matches, stop processing.
iii. If no match, piggyback load when script is run with load option.
B. No match.
i. Goto step 2.
2. Match incoming 776 $$w to existing 035 $$a and 776 $w. p_manage_36 OCC index. Report Aleph match result counts.
A. Match.
i. Piggyback load when script is run with load option.
B. No match.
i. Goto step 3.
3. Match incoming 245 $$ab to existing 245 $$ab. p_manage_36 TTL index. Report Aleph match result counts.
A. Match.
i. Report OCLC # (245 $ab match)
ii. Goto step 4.
B. No match.
i. Do not report OCLC #.
ii. Load as new when the script is run with load option.
4. Check for 245 $n or $p in both incoming and existing records.
A. Found 245 $n $p.
i. Report OCLC # (245 $n $p found)
ii. Stop processing.
B. No 245 $n $p.
i. Goto step 5.
5. Match existing publisher 260 $$b (from title matched record) to incoming 533 $c using local script.
If no incoming 533 tag, match using incoming 260 $b.
Add counts of matched/non-matched records.
A. Check existing record for EEBO, Books2x7, format BR, or contains any STA tag.
i. Report SKIP (reason)
ii. Load as new when script is run with load option.
B. Match. 533$c/260$b or 260$b/260$b
i. Match incoming 533 $$d year to existing 260 $$c year, using 4 digit string, nothing longer.
ii. Match incoming 260 $c year to existing 260 $c year, using 4 digit string, nothing longer, when 533 $d does not match 260 $c.
iii. Report any numeric year strings longer than 4 digit.
a. Match 533$d/260$c or 260$c/260$c
a). Report COUNT (260 $c match)
b). Piggyback load when script is run with load option.
b. No match 533$d/260$c nor 260$c/260$c
a). Report COUNT (260 $c no match)
b). Load as new when script is run with load option.
C. No match. 533$c/260$b nor 260$b/260$b
i. Report OCLC # (no match 533$c/260$b nor 260$b/260$b)
ii. Stop processing.
**Match Only stops here**
After review, run script with Match and Load.
1. New records to load. (Combine all records to be loaded as new, with sequential incoming system no.)
A. Remove any 856 URL that is not (Aleph fix EBKU)
B. Add 856 $$z MIT Access Only. (Aleph fix EBKU)
C. Add 910 $aBatchloadYYMMDD $iBatchload $dYYMMDD $nn
(do this in bib_convert script, prior to matching steps)
D. No overlay. Load as NEW. p_manage_18
E. Build NET holdings. p_manage_50
2. Piggyback load. (Combine all records for piggybacking.)
A. Check whether existing records to be merged have NET holdings.
use list of system numbers from manage_36, input to print_03
use fix that makes PST (GUI-BRIEF)
export PST, 006
i. NET hol exists.
a. Remove 949 from incoming record.
ii. No NET hol.
b. Convert 949 from incoming to 959.
B. Check whether existing records to be merged have 006. (using p_print_03 already run above)
i. 006 exists.
a. Remove 006 from incoming record.
ii. No 006.
b. Load incoming 006.
i. Keep incoming 856 URL containing only. Discard other 856. (Aleph fix EBKU)
ii. Add $$z MIT Access Only to URL. (Aleph fix EBKU)
iii. Load incoming 956 as-is. (Aleph fix EBKU)
iv. Change second indicator in 856 and 956 to 1. (Aleph fix EBPGY)
D. Merge/overlay. p_manage_18
i. Add tags:
a. 946 $$m (from incoming record)
b. Add incoming 035 OCLC # to 776 $$w
If 776 already exists, remove incoming 776, make new 776 $$w; if not add 776 $$w) Aleph fix EBPGY.
c. 006, 856, 956, 959 (as corrected above)
E. Build NET holdings. p_manage_50 (tag 959)
No special Get URLs based on series at this point. Perhaps could be added via global change after LTI processing if this is deemed important. (If this has to be done, Christine just wanted to add that the result won't be consistent. In addition, 'extra steps' will have to be created to check if the series URL(s) are already in the existing records for piggyback load.)
(NOTE: The script should completely ignore the records from Books24x7 and EEBO. For now our incoming records may be only related to those from Books24x7, but it's good to include EEBO's for the potential use in the future. Would the process be faster for the title match if there is a way to exclude records from these two providers?)
All bks records right now have 035 $$abk* (some are bks and some are bke plus the number) At some point we're talking about trying to connect up our holdings for the in WorldCat and then we might get OCLC #'s into them, but for now we are totally safe from OCLC # matching.
EEBO record all have 035 $$a(EEBO) in them. They have traces of oclc numbers, but NOT in the fields we use for OCLC # matching. Christine haven't looked if they have OCLC numbers in the fields that are included in the OCC index though. (This index is where the 776$w in existing records is matched)