Description and Expectations
The space the Ensemble most often performs in is La Sala de Puerto Rico. The basic set design process goes as follows. At the preliminary design meetings, the director will talk about the over all design concept of the piece. With the feel of the play in mind, it is good to reread the script and think about possible play areas. For example using different levels or specific set pieces. It is also important to go look at the space and see what can be utilized. In Sala, the most important initial decision is how to orient the space. Be mindful if you want to use the kitchen doors as entrances, or if you want to use the balcony. When designing in Sala, you'll also have to come up with an audience layout.
Once design ideas have been exchanged between you and the director and the architecture is known, it is time to create a technical drawing. Don't be shy about asking any of the theater groups or Rinaldi to borrow furniture or other platforms. Another responsibility you have as set designer is letting the producer know how many people you need on build days. Either you or the TD is responsible for organizing people and tasks during pre-put-in hours.
Check List
1. Created a set plot
2. Told producer what paint to order
3. Approved set design with TD
4. Kept a list of where you borrowed set items from